"Shooting Accidents" - Videos

You've got to be careful with black powder firearms (and smokeless too). If you are not, then you are just asking for trouble.

These videos are a perfect example of what happens when people don't treat firearms with the respect and caution that they deserve. Shooting is fun, but if safety and precaution take a back seat to fun, you may endanger others and yourself.
Years ago I went to the range to find a newbie loading his flintlock rifle out of a 1 pound can of black powder...

And leaving the can open (with a spout on it) on the bench when he shot...

The kicker?

The idiot was smoking a cigar at the same time. :eek:

He and I had a little chat about safety.

He was actually very receptive to the disussion and changed his ways really quickly when I demonstrated just how little black powder it would take to make a pretty nasty mess out of him.
I just wonder how badly burnt the guy in the first one was.
The second one, wonder if the man standing next to him got injured.
sometimes when shooting a .22 outdoors ill skip hearing protection. it just isnt necessary.

But there's no excuse to not wear vision protection. ive gotten a shower of hot Bull-S on my cheeks and forehead enough times to know i dont want that in my eyes.
"sometimes when shooting a .22 outdoors ill skip hearing protection. It just isn't necessary".
Hearing loss occures at 85db. A .22 L.R. is 134db. How's that working for your higher-end frequency hearing?
in a long arm it doesnt make my ears ring.

firecrackers make my ears ring, do you wear earplugs on the fourth of july?

My point wasnt that hearing protection is the red headed stepchild of safety gear, not at all. My point was personally, ill wear vision protection when shooting a pellet gun or an Airsoft gun. Theres no telling what kind of tiny metal crap is gonna fly in your face.
The Smoking Lamp is out !!!

I find these videos to be very informative and I thank you for your post. In all the years of shooting and teaching M/L's, I have seen two major accidents. One was a flash burn to a woman's face and left eye and the other was a fella that pounded a rod till it got discharged through the palm of his hand. In addition to these, there have been scores of minor burns. ... :mad:

During our hunter safety classes, we teach the four basic gun handling rules and about six safety rules that apply to M/L's. We also hand out a sheet listing about 23 safety rules pertianing to M/L's. The cause of the accident videos are or covered during our class as well as others. .... ;)

We always wear eye and hearing protection during our classes as well as our personal range-time. Just good common sense. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!