Shooting a PC bullet w/o resizing


New member
My Arisaka slugs at .31105" from groove to groove. Since they don't have a .312 sizing die, I can only resize at .311. Can I just PC their .311 bullet to about .312 without resizing? Has anyone tried this?
My thinking is PC won't grab the rifling in the barrel like lead will. All you can do is try 4 or 5 and check for accuracy and build up in the barrel. I would more than likely opt for taking a .311 sizing die and using some emery to open it up then following up with some flitz to polish. Go easy and go slow doing this but it will work. Otherwise call Lee and they will custom make one for you.
Correction Post

I apologize for the error.

I'm using a Lee .312-185gr mold. I can size it to .311 and PC it to .312". That's .001" over the slug diameter. Or, leave the case bullet as is, PC it and have approximately .313". That's .002" over the slug diameter but without resizing. Has anyone shot a unsized PC bullet and noticed a difference in accuracy? What's your opinions?
If the unsized bullets chamber it’ll work just fine.
Chamber ...and extract .
Be careful oversized / unsized coated bullet may chamber ...but make sure it will extract with the bullet still in the case and not stuck in the rifles throat .
When this happens you will need a rod to drive the bullet out .