Shooting 9mm in a .40 Glock?


New member
Okay... I know I've heard quite a bit about being able to shoot 9mm in a .40 or .357sig Glock with a simple barrel swap regardless of the size of the breech face, etc.

I know it *can* be done... but is it wise? In other words, how reliable would it be? I'm currently thinking about buying a Glock 34 or 35. I personally love the inexpensive cost of the 9mm as well as it's low-recoiling properties when it comes to shooting a lot for competitions. However, I wouldn't mind the added stopping power of the .40 for self-defense as well as being able to make major in IPSC. So if I buy a 35 and a 9mm barrel for it for plinking and IDPA, can I get away with this set up or will it be so woefully unreliable as to basically be a waste of time and money?

Thanks in advance.
I have 9mm conversion barrels for my Glock 22 and my Glock 23 (which I can also use in my Glock 32). I am very satisfied with both accuracy and reliability while shooting IDPA or just for fun. Just yesterday, I shot 100 rounds of Winchester white box 9mm ammo through my Glock 22 with absolutely no problems. Even though I've had great success with these barrels, I would never use or recommend them for CCW because of the potential (as minute as that might be) for failure.

BTW, don't forget - you will need 9mm magazines, as well.

You MIGHT NOT need 9mm mags for this trick; I've used my 22 magazines in my 17 (12 rounds instead of 10), and they fed and functioned just fine. YMMV.