Shooting .45 Colt in a .410?


New member
A friend of my brother has a Rossi single shot shotgun (I know nothing about them, nor what model it is).

He asked if he can safely shoot a .45 "long" Colt handgun cartridge through it. I have no idea, so what say you scattergun guys?
That's what I figured. I can only guess that the Rossi owner has heard of the Taurus Judge revolver that shoots both the .45 Colt & the .410 shot shell.
I sometimes wonder how many people will do this in the misguided reasoning that comes from the notion that you can do it in the judge so it must be OK.............. Like a, "Hold my beer and watch this.", kind of stunt. Maybe they get away with it in one particular gun and go on to perpetuate some bad advice to others. I hope no one tries it with a 444 Marlin cartridge.

The very notion of anything being, "Foolproof", is an alarming underestimation of the inspiration and ingenuity of fools.
If it is a break open single barrel, no. That is what I am assuming it is.
However Rossi does make a revolving cylinder rifle on the samp design as the Taurus Judge called the Circuit Judge that like tye Judge will safely fire both.
But don't confuse him with that until you establish for sure if it is a break open, single shot, single barrel shotgun or not.
DO NOT FIRE .45caliber ammo in a .410 shotgun!!

DO NOT FIRE ANYTHING but .410 shotgun shells!

Yes, there are guns that will fire both, but they are NOT .410 guns that fire .45 slugs, they are .45 cal gun that are made to also handle the .410.

Besides the fact that you don't want to cram a .45 slug down a .41 barrel, there's no rifling in the shotgun, so accuracy would be problematical, even with a correct size slug. And, they make .410 slugs, which are a bit hotter ammo than standard .45 Colt.
That idea is older than the Judge/Governor revolvers. When I was a kid, there was a boy in the neighborhood who had a 410 break gun, no idea what brand it was now, but he told us it would also shoot "45 pistol" ammo, "like a rifle".

We of course were in awe of such an amazing firearm and knew it had to be the best gun on the planet capable of handling anything that walked, crawled or flew. Our mere 12's and 20's paled in comparison. I had no idea where he got the idea, or that he ever tried it, or even where he would have gotten "45 pistol" ammo.

This of course "back in the day" when no one thought anything of a group of boys wandering around in the woods and fields with shotguns.