shooting 3 inches high


New member
My new super blackhawk is shooting 3 inches high at 25 yards. The sights are bottomed out and I was wondering if this acceptable for dear?
Three inches is manageable. What loads have you experimented with? The difference between light and heavy 200's and 240's greatly exceeded the sight adjustment on my Virginian Dragoon. Understanding the effect of rotaion was a real education(ie: faster can hit lower)

Hot and heavy may be a bear issue, but if backing down a little makes your sight picture work bambi won't care. Have you experimented with your grip? A little higher can reduce the effect of rotation also.
Dear Tim,

Dear have an extrodinary small kill zones. I'd say limit your shot to 25 yards. Deer on the other hand have about a 8 inch area of vitals (with some margin of error.) I'd limit may shot to what I can keep within 8" under similar conditions as you will be hunting under.