"Shoot to Live"


New member
I remembered this from one of Mas Ayoob's articles:

(lots of paraphrasing)
A man was on trial for murder. He shot and killed another man in a righteous shoot. The DA was questioning him..... asked something like "did you shoot to kill" ---- the man paused for a second and then replied, "I shot to LIVE". That stmt pretty well ended the trial and the verdict was not guility!

"SHOOT TO LIVE" is a phrase all of us should become familiar with, IMO. Mas has taught me many valuable lessons and I haven't even met him!

One of the most important issues concerning self defense occurs after the shooting is over - and I believe we often overlook this!

We who choose to defend ourselves with firearms are generally well educated in gun selection, caliber/gauge-ammo choices and in combat tactics. We must also learn what weapons we need to successfully survive the legal bad guys that plague our "justice" system today!

Miranda or not, anything you say can and will be used against you - talk to your lawyer first!


[This message has been edited by bk40 (edited April 13, 1999).]