shoot ipsc in limited minor anyone?


New member
just curious as to if you do...assuming you shoot 9mm, what kind of ammo do you use, what gun do you shoot and are you competitively successful?

Im personally kind of torn between shooting my xdm9 in limited minor and shooting it in production.

any advice or info would be appreciated.

I just like anyone else would like to be set up to eventually get a high ranking in at least 1 division
Hit all in the A zone, and minor does not matter. ;)

I have sometimes played Limited/minor with a Glock 17, and 1 mag has a Dawson extension, so I have 22+1 in 1 mag, and 17 in the next. The factory trigger held me back more than the minor scoring.

Ammo is whatever I had; I am not currently reloading 9mm.

ETA: None of the top shooters shoot Limited/minor, it is more of a convenience/too few magazines for Production thing.

one thing i would like to know with production is are you able to have 10+1 at start? like are you able to load an extra round in the chamber and then load a magazine with 10 rounds?

with most of the targets that solid number (10 shots) would make things go alot smoother
Yes - 10+1 is fine. At the RO's command to "Load and make ready!" you'll draw the gun, insert a mag and rack the slide. Then remove the mag and reholster. Top up the mag, redraw the gun and insert the mag and reholster and you're ready to go. Don't charge one mag with 11 rounds thinking that would be easier! Too easy to grab the wrong mag to start with and either run dry or get penalized for having an over capacity mag.
one thing i would like to know with production is are you able to have 10+1 at start? like are you able to load an extra round in the chamber and then load a magazine with 10 rounds?

What does that have to do with shooting Limited/minor? :confused:
I've shot my Hi-Power in Limited a few times, using whatever handloads I had available. Even with extended, 17-round mags I'm at a three- or four-round disadvantage compared to everyone shooting the typical S_I hi-cap .40.
It is legal to have 11 rounds in one mag so that at "Make Ready" you can load and rack that one so there are 10 rounds in the mag at start. You are ok as long as no mag has more than 10 rounds at the Start signal. Also applies to Limited 10.

Don't charge one mag with 11 rounds thinking that would be easier!
Yes, if it is an empty gun start (maybe, start with gun unloaded on a table), then do NOT load 11 rounds in a mag because there would be 11 rounds in a mag at Start. The only outlet at that point is being bumped to Open.

Yes, I do. Only a lowly 'C' in Limited but in no way am I paying current prices for 45 cal. Once or twice a year I may use a 45 cal, if the ammo price is reasonable. So, just aim for the A zone and hit same. To me, matches are more like a function check for the equipment and user than a race game. When Rob Leatham becomes a stick-up artist then I may upgrade to 'Open'. Otherwise the person that I am competing against is someone that I have not yet met and hope not to...

Ammo most seen at the match is the Winchester White Box. Federal is OK too. And Fiochi. And PMC. IMO, S & B ammo is really good stuff. I avoid the UMC because the OAL is short, some guns take it but some jam. Blazer aluminum is awful stuff. I would rather use my gun as a hammer than shoot steel cased Wolf. Monarch may be good, but I prefer WWB or S & B.

The good thing about matches is you can try 115, 124, 147, HP, etc as a dry run for the real thing.
have shot some limited minor with CZ75 and SP01. modified mags with 23+1 and even won a stage or two.

fun to do..but you got want it to come out on top..the points difference is enough to make it tough. Burkett tried it a few years ago and BJ tried it at SS nationals..

but if just out for a good time. do it.
but if just out for a good time. do it.

no ive been doing this for about a couple months and after 5 matches the novelty of simply being there and shooting the stages and stuff has kind of worn off and it is time to do some high placing (or winning if possible)

ive gotten a few high placings and almost won a stage in my third match but its just when you see the results and see your name in the middle of the list for overall placing i just feel overcome by a smelly wave of mediocrity, its like what am i going to accomplish in my life.
My understanding of the situation is that Limited will be something of an equipment/caliber race and you are already down by the lower pts for C, D, hits. You can practice your way to speed, but not to a larger caliber.

In production you won't be in an equipment race but so many more are starting to shoot it that you'll be competing against more people; so it will be harder to make way against the greater numbers.

I would say go production and practice a lot, especially reloads. Use empty mags and/or snap caps.

Have you joined the USPSA yet?

PS Hello, Lee. Are you enjoying the rain?
i just feel overcome by a smelly wave of mediocrity, its like what am i going to accomplish in my life.
Note that shooting in Production will not make you shoot faster, or more accurately. You might finish higher, but you will not be better. Now might be a good time to peruse the Brian Enos Forums; scroll down to the BEginners Forum and start there.

PS Hello, Lee. Are you enjoying the rain?
Yes, but we are still down 2 ft for the last year, and 45+ inches for 2 years. Even the cedar trees are dying. 2 matches cancelled this month because the new bays are not yet ready for the weather.

Production is the only way you can be on equal footing. You lose a lot to the major shooters. Shoooting almost the same accuracy and time, my score went up a good 30-40 percent going to a major caliber. Course, maybe I shooter better with a .40, but I doubt it.
There must be SOMEBODY doing it, I read a brisk thread on high end Minor guns like a 9mm STI Edge with extra high caps the other day.
I will be shooting a Glock 17L in Limited, obviously shooting minor. Running three mags with Arrendondo extensions. I'm saving money for a hi cap .40, but til then I'll be happy shooting minor.