Shoot for the Fallen


Shoot for the Fallen

presented by Paul Bunyan Rifle and Sportsman's Club

All proceeds benefit the Pointe Du Hoc Foundation -

The Foundation


Who We Are
The Pointe du Hoc Foundation (PDHF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established to recognize and commemorate the Rangers of 2nd Battalion and their families. The historic missions of 2nd Ranger Battalion are legendary; from scaling the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc in Normandy on D-Day, 1944, to forced entry airborne operations in Grenada and Panama in the 1980s, and more. Since September 11, 2001, 2nd Battalion Rangers have remained a pivotal force in the War on Terrorism, enduring 15 combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.


The initial goal of the PDHF is to construct a fitting memorial to honor the courage, fortitude and selfless sacrifice of all who have served and supported the 2nd Ranger Battalion. The memorial will be dedicated to 2nd Battalion's greatest heroes - our fallen rangers.

The broader effort of the organization is to provide benevolent support for 2nd Battalion Rangers and their families through financial donations and educational assistance.

The objective of the Pointe du Hoc Foundation is to raise $500,000 for a 2012 groundbreaking of the 2nd Ranger Battalion memorial.

All donations to the PDHF will be used to directly support 2nd Battalion Rangers and their families.

Our immediate funding priority is the construction of the memorial. Donations are also accepted to support the Foundation's broader charitable and educational mission in support of 2nd Battalion Rangers and their families.

There will be a total of 6 USPSA Stages in the match.

Entry fee will be $20.

Prizes will be awarded for all divisions.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

0800 Safety Check for new shooters
0900 Registration
0945 Shooter's Brief
1000 Match Begins

More information to follow.