
Nothing. As long as the seller and buyer live in the same state and their state has no law prohibiting such a transaction.

If the seller and buyer live in different states they BOTH are committing a Federal crime.

Federal law also allows the return of a a repaired firearm directly to the owner, no FFL needed.

Nothing as long as the person on the receiving end gets it and

and it's done within a 'gun friendly state' or if between states and the government doesn't find out.
What happens if a firearm is shipped to a non ffl holder?

Reality, is probably nothing. But you could be that one unluckly soul, where the package breaks open on the shipping dock, or you tell someone and they use it to blackmail you, etc. etc.

There are some limited cases to send firearms not to an FFL, as listed above, but in general the extra bucks and inconvienence is just the price of being honest.