Shipping repro cap & ball revolvers legally....

No. FFL's are FEDERAL Firearms Licensees. BATFE (you know, the organization that so many haters love to hate) says that black powder replicas are not regulated as firearms and do not have to transfer through an FFL.

They can still be mailed to people in most states. A few states--the usual suspects--prohibit this, of course, but in most states it's not a problem at all.
No I think you can go to Uberti, pay their price and they will ship a cap and ball gun right to your front door. I suppose the loophole is that you can have that shipped to you, order a conversion cylinder from another source, and have it shipped to your door. Then combine the two and you have a centerfire cartridge revolver with no paperwork but of an obsolete nature. I don't think ganstas want to try to impress their friends with a big heavy Remington new model Army conversion gun. But the smoke and fire might impress them.