Shipments of K31's and GP11


New member
Does anyone have an idea if and when there will be any more shipments of K31 Swiss rifles or Gp11 ammo coming in soon? Gander mountain had them on sale at 299 but I didn't buy one in time and now they're back up to 399. I can't imagine they're selling very many at that price. The gp11 has been out of stock everywhere for a while now too.
My understanding is there will be no more large shipments of K31 rifles in good condition. Cracked stocks and incomplete is all that is left in storage in any large numbers.

As for GP11, it can't last that much longer.
Well, if you wait until the GP-11 dries up, some shooters might be putting their rifles up for sale. Maybe then you could find a deal, plenty of people shoot these rifles and are wrapped around the wheel about the GP-11. But they never bothered to learn how to roll their own ammo, so some folks may just sell their rifles when the GP-11 ammo becomes unobtanium.
Much how like 7.62x54mmR is drying up now.

TONS of Mosins in this country, they were bough cheap and the cheap ammo was a big draw to many (myself included). Once the surplus is gone, which it's starting to go now, all that will be left is commercial and to be frank I'd rather spend the money on .308/7.62x51mm NATO to fire in my PTR-91 and Ishapore 2A1 (when I get it fixed).

That's the thing with these surplus guns. They're cheap with cheap ammo, but when the food runs out for them... you're left with a white elephant.
"Well, if you wait until the GP-11 dries up, some shooters might be putting their rifles up for sale"
Brass is available, new production ammo is available from multiple sources, and I've heard even the Swiss RUAG plant will be reactivating their lines for civilian production (Swiss domestic I assume, but potentially for import as well) once stockpiles diminish.

Hardly anyone got into K31's because they were cheap; unlike Mosins, the K31's are high quality rifles of exceptional accuracy, shooting an objectively impressive cartridge competitive with any 30cal ~1000yd capable offering available. Now that Americans have been exposed, the round will find a dedicated following just as it has in Switzerland.

"Once the surplus is gone, which it's starting to go now, all that will be left is commercial and to be frank I'd rather spend the money on .308/7.62x51mm NATO to fire in my PTR-91 and Ishapore 2A1 (when I get it fixed)."
Precisely. Lotta Mosins going to be getting converted by Bubba in the coming decades, I suspect (he's been hard at work already, there's just so darn many of the things)

"That's the thing with these surplus guns. They're cheap with cheap ammo, but when the food runs out for them... you're left with a white elephant."
You do realize these are K31's and not Mosins we're talking about ;). One of few Berdan rounds people bothered decapping & reloading for. The number of guns stateside is more than enough to keep the market alive, and even new production ammo is not prohibitively expensive nor rare (it's not hugely different from new production 30-06 FMJ, in my experience, unless that cartridge is at risk of extinction, too ;))

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Yeah, I didn't buy a k31 because GP11 was "cheap" never was as inexpensive as other surplus rounds.
I bought a k31 due to its reputation for high quality and accuracy. Mine fully lived up to that reputation. It functions extremely smoothly, and easily produces tiny 100yd groups.
I've owned all the major manually operated contemporaries of the k31...Mauser, Enfield, Springfield, Mosin, Carcano...
The k31 is the finest of them all.
I bought mine when they were priced around $150, kind of a sleeper on the market at that time. I was attracted to the straight pull design, a very smooth action also. But like any new rifle I acquire, I order up a set of dies and brass to make my own. I have not shot it for around five years now, need to get it back to the range. :)
Sgammo has ppu 7.5 Swiss for about $15 a box iirc. At this point I'm not really worried about the ammo it's mainly the rifle itself that I'd like to get ahold of before the prices skyrocket when the supply dries up. I thought I had heard about more shipments but I've heard conflicting reports.
Even compared to my civilian / modern bolt rifles my K31 is one of the most accurate rifles I own.

To see it's full accuracy potential I bought one of the excellent St. Marie no drill mounts and installed a old 4x steel tube Weaver that I had sitting around.

With my reloads slow firing five rounds off bags at 100 yds. my best group thus far is one ragged hole measuring .678.

My load is;

Frontier brass.....CCI BR-2 primer.....43.5 grs. of Varget.....Sierra 165 gr. HPBT # 2140.

I do have a few hundred rounds of GP11 put back and I need to shoot it again now that I've added the scope, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
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