Shining on deer in MA?

got ammo?

New member
I live near fields and a WMA in Massachusetts. I frequently see deer in them at dusk. Does anyone know if shining a spotlight out into a field,from a vehicle, to LOOK at deer at night, no weapons present, is legal or not in MA? I searched on the Masswildlife website, but only found some legalspeak about how one cannot use artificial light for hunting purposes. I am not hunting or poaching, just shining a spotlight on them,nothing deadlier than a leatherman in the vehicle, while parked on the side of a very public way (US RT 10).
Your Sheriff's Dept should know, since sometimes there are County restrictions even if the State has none
Yeah call the sheriff. I had one try to write me a ticket for shining deer. I lived in the middle of nowhere in Michigan and got off the road to pull into my driveway and the lights and siren went on. Deer took its time walking off.

Police asked me what I was doing and I said I was going home. They didn't believe me. Ran my plate and verified my address by drivers license. Since I was in the clear I said why don't you check the mailbox over there. It clearly had my name on it but they still wanted to search the truck for a gun.

Since I knew I had no gun I agreed but told them the next time they follow me from work to home I was going to call the police post and report them for harassment.

In my case these guys were fishing and had followed me several nights in a row. Just so happens a deer walked out blocking my driveway. But you don't want to pay fines when a simple call to the police can answer your question.

Heck call the DNR too.

Sherriff's Office won't hardly touch a resource case around here. Lot of the deputies wouldn't have a clue on game law cases either. Too short handed and too much to do with answering other calls.

I'd think MA has to have Cons Officers/Warden's. Seek one out and ask them.
Odds are their website has a "contact us" link. Many have live chat lines for hunting reg questions. Better to get it from the horse's mouth than some random internet poster.
Just a word to the wise, if in doubt dont do it until you find out from the right source that you can. Here in NH we can spotlight deer from a vehicle with no firearms or bows present from Jan.1 to Sept 1, after that its off limits.
Most states have a "wild life harassment" law, Alabama being one of them. You can't direct a beam of light on wildlife at all. There are a lot of tickets written in Alabama each year for "shining" deer. With no firearms involved at all it is still a very large fine.
Originally posted by LOLBELL:

Most states have a "wild life harassment" law, Alabama being one of them. You can't direct a beam of light on wildlife at all. There are a lot of tickets written in Alabama each year for "shining" deer. With no firearms involved at all it is still a very large fine.

Used to that way in Wisconsin. No intentional shining of deer with lights. Now they have relaxed it and now shining and taking pictures of big deer caught in the beam from a 2 million candlepower spotlight has become almost a sport in itself.

From our Deer Regs......


It is illegal to:

use or possess with intent to use, a light including vehicle headlights for shining any wild
animal while hunting or in possession of a firearm, bow and arrow or crossbow. This includes
laser sights on firearms, bows and crossbows. Exceptions apply for hunting certain small
game; see
Small Game Hunting Regulations,

use or possess with intent to use, a light including vehicle headlights for shining wild animals
between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. from September 15 through December 31 whether
or not in possession of a firearm, bow or crossbow,

some areas may prohibit shining by local ordinance. Check with the local sheriff’s
department or town officials for local shining restrictions.

shine at any time on federal refuges and Waterfowl Production Areas
Here, it varies from county to county.

Some have no restriction, some allow it until 11 PM, and some don't allow it at all

Generally the more populated the area, the more likely it's restricted
That'd be considered 'hunting' here, at least. Very likely so in MA too. Read the hunting regs for a definition. Like buck460XVR says, call and ask.
thanx for advice, all

I still haven't done this, I asked because I see deer in the twilight driving home from work. I want to grab my spotlight and get a better look at them but I was wondering about the legality of it here in Ma. There are some screwy laws here, And I can't find anything pertaining to that particular action on Masswildlife's website. The next time I see an EPO at the local gas station, I will have to chat him up about this. The County Sheriff around here only deals with prisoners, so I think I will leave him alone.
The County Sheriff around here only deals with prisoners, so I think I will leave him alone.
They should still be able to tell you the statutes, or at least who to call to find out