Sheridan Ammunition Gauge

I purchase the slotted ones. Without the slot any good brand case gauge is cheaper.
The benefit of the slot is helping to understand brass condition. I bought a bag of 7.62 LC pulldown brass that had the bullets pulled. They are (still) primed. My first sort was "can be loaded as is". These will be used with cast bullets and light loads. The next category is "need full length sizing - without decapping pin". Mostly these went out of round during the bullet pull.
The slotted gauge shows the shoulder and neck variations very well.
Do you need them? I did for the 7.62 brass I bought. But I also bought slotted gauges for other calibers. I personally think they are handy for trouble shooting brass sizing.
I use the slotted ones in 300blk and 308… em!!!

Without the slots, all you can tell is the round doesnt go in. Where is it failing? With the slotted version it is apparent exactly what is not in spec
Yes, Im curious if I have been pushing my shoulder back far enough for My M1 with a criterion barrel not a GI barrel. So dont know how generous it is compared to my M1 with its original GI barrel.

Iam using a small base sizer so I dont see any issue when I insert them in my LE Wilson case gauge. but when i insert a fired case in the LE gauge it fits in there fine too . So apparently these LE gauges must be a saami max and not min.

I never really had any issues just curious too see how my reloads would do in better case gauge like the sheridan.

I will order the cutout version

alkinswi said:
... curious if I have been pushing my shoulder back far enough for My M1...

Ignore the case gauge.
Use your rifle.

- Fire 3-5 cartridges in the rifle without the gas plug. (no ejection)
- Use a Hornady Headspace Comparator to determine/set/average the max-length headspace dimension reading from those cases in that rifle.
- Use that reading (-0.002/3") for resizing from that point on....

Watch for incipient head separation like hawk.
Use the paperclip test religiously.
M1 design is absolute hell on an out-of-battery firing.
Consider just cam-over full-length resize every time,
Toss case after half-dozen firings anyway.
Cheap ...compared to head separation aftermath.

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Thats one test I haven’t run. I may shoot some virgin brass they all tend to start with uniform shoulders.

I did a test I fired 14 reloads in my M1 using cheap PPU brass not one case head seperation . I had to toss them the case rims were chewed too death.
I also use my rifle's chamber as the gauge. It is the only gauge that matters.

Bought 2 brass gauges when I first started. They are useless for me. Gave one away and still have one. It is yours if you pay for the postage.


P.S. I went check the caliber. Couldn't find it anymore. I may have given the one away too. Sorry.

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