Shepherd Scopes


New member
has anyone had any experience w/ these scopes? do they work as claimed? i saw their ad in SGN, and was wondering if they were any good, or just so much hype.

fiat justitia

I did an evaluation on the Shepherd at the request of a friend. The only thing I would put this scope on is a hunting rifle that I used on deer sized game out to 300 yards and then probably only if I could get it at an extreamly low cost.

In no way is it a "presision" scope!

1 - One shot zero. - Haaa. ANY SCOPE can be zeroed in one shot. That is IF you trust zeroing a scope with one shot.

2 - Ranging Multipule Aiming Points - LMAO. Yeah... if you game fits one of the circles and it is standing at a range that is evenly divided by 100.

3 - The one shot zero claim is achieved by having two seperate stanza wires. This adds additional parellex. To get a "precise" shot you have to line up your target with the stanzas then INSURE your stanzas are also correctly alligned. HEY... if I wanted to line up three things I'd use open sights!

4 - Sight picture - Kind of reminds me of a H. Bosh painting. There is SOOOOOO much happening in there what with the numerous stanza wires, circles, cross hairs in the circles it boggles the mind (at least this simple Marine's).

I "think" I still have the write up somewhere I did on the scope. I'll look for it this weekend and if I can find it I'll e-mail it to ya.

Bottom line in my humble opinion - HYPE!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
thanks David. it kinda sounded like one of them too good to be true things, but being new to scopes, i didn't know. guess i'll keep on lookin'. thanks again.

fiat justitia
thanks Hank. some of them folks seem to like it. think i'll investigate it and some other
a little futher. thanks for the link! :)

fiat justitia