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Got this by E-mail today....Subj: [AR15-L] Sheep X 2
Date: 3/27/99 9:26:40 PM Eastern Standard Time


sheep If you haven't read the
original by Mr. Riggs here it is. ( The following was
written by a friend after reading the above and seeing I had forwarded it to
Sen. Feinstein. It addresses another point in the problem of gun control
(IDPA /AR content) as shooters of any kind we should all be aware of.
Chris Oxley

There was once a flock of sheep, governed by a Queen Ewenstein.

Queen Ewenstein employed a dog to protect the flock from the wolves who preyed
upon the flock, but the wolves were many, and the dog was but one. Many sheep
perished at the hands of the wolves.

One day, some of the sheep realized that it was the fangs and claws of the
wolves that they feared and took up such impliments for themselves. When the
evil wolves began to prey again upon the flock, these sheep attacked in kind
and drove the wolves from the flock.

Queen Ewenstein became concerned! She believed that she and she alone
possessed such independence of thought and knowledge. It began to trouble her
to know that any of the sheep within the flock could possess such thought and
independence. The more she thought upon this the more troubled she became.

Then some of the thoughtful sheep came to Queen Ewenstein and began to
petition her for representation on her council. They wanted to be able to
meet in public and to share their ideas with ALL the sheep. Not just ideas
concerning the wolves, but ideas concerning the blessings of Liberty to
themselves and their posterity.

They began to write documents, draw up laws and many of the other sheep within
the flock began to listen.

This Queen Ewenstein could not abide! For she knew that she was THE ONLY ONE
who was wise enough to govern the flock. So she called for the dog.

The dog was a loyal beast, who hadn't much to do as the wolves were no longer
a major threat. Queen Ewenstein gave the dog new tasks. He was no longer to
protect the flock, but to protect Queen Ewenstein and enforce her wishes!

The Queen said, "Take away the fangs and claws from the sheep! They will only
hurt each other with them! Tell them you take them away to protect the

The dog obeyed.

Some of the sheep said, "Yes. We must protect the lambs!"

Others did not.

When the independently minded sheep met in public, in the Flock's Square, to
attempt to send representatives from among them to have audience with the
Queen to protest such things, she sent the Dog.

"No meetings!" said the Dog.

All the fangs and claws were collected and destroyed...

Except those the Queen kept for herself! For as Queen she surmised, she
should have more protection than the mere rabble of the flock!

When the wolves returned many sheep suffered, but Queen Ewenstein was safe
with her own claws and fangs and the Dog.

"Besides the wolves are evil, and it is only their nature," Queen Ewenstein


Justice for one,Justice for all.
Ah yes...

"All animals are created equal... but some are MORE equal than others." - ANIMAL FARM, written by Orwell.

Disturbing, to say the least.

"I got a bad feeling about this..."

Just speaking for 78.2% of the Australian public !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Seen in a tag line on t.p.g. -- "Alberta has six million sheep. Trouble is, four million of them think they are humans." Or something like that...