she said what?!?!?!?!


New member
I was watching the smart gun segment on 60 minutes tonight. The female reporter doing the interview asked tge guy, "You mean that if I hear somebody breaking into my house, I have to find the wristband and put it on before my gun will work?"

I thought that was great. I wish the guy being interviewed woudl have said, "Oh, so you think that people SHOULD have guns in case someone breaks into their homes?"
Things like that make TV worth while.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The developer's response:

"Well, it doesn't have to be a wrist band. There is also a credit-card-like device, and a keypad on the front of the gun to allow the user to key in an override code..." (or words to that effect)

Yup, I can see it now:

"Just a second Mr. Rapist; I need to punch in my override code on this TINY little keypad". You betcha.

Also, the HCI people said "This gun is a hoax. A very subtle, DANGEROUS, SEDUCTIVE hoax. What the gun REALLY needs to do is not operate in the hands of nuts or criminals."

S&W's response to THAT:

"In order for the gun to do that, it'd need to know the INTENT of the user. I don't expect to see that in my lifetime..."


Isn't this a crock of sh*t? What neither side mentioned: the fact that an LEA "override" signal could deactivate such a gun, thereby allowing them to "take" the bad guy (or YOU) without risk. Also not mentioned: what happens if the battery's dead?

Yeah, "smart gun". Not now, not EVER. I want mine to go "boom" EVERY time I pull the trigger. You never know when that would save your life. If I wanted a phaser, I'd ask Capt. Kirk.
I would prefer the BLASTER that Han Solo has... If there is a guy stalking my loved ones - I dont want to PHASE him... I want to BLAST HIM!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I'd settle for a simple focused emitter of spectral energy that causes a positive feedback and subsequent increased harmonic oscillations of carbon-phosphorous bonds resulting in molecular dissipation... also known as a Biological Mass Goo-ulator, or BMG for short (maybe BMG-II?).
Ok, we can't even build a credit card reader that works half the time. My computer randomly has windows applications start up in the middle of a videogame. I can't figure out how to program my vcr. And I am supposed to bet my life on a "smart" gun? Uh, ok.
another thing to consider is sleep mode.
when does the gun deactivate? 10 minutes after activation? Does it stay on continuously?
ever have a camera that went to sleep just as the picture oportunity appears? a 1 second delay is potentially deadly to the owner of a "smart gun"

2 things.

First, the reporter on asked one of the Anti Lawyers, "What do you want to see in a gun?"

"I want to see a gun that is child proof, nut proof and criminal proof!"

This issue, and the lawsuits, are not about gun safety at all. It's about POWER.

Secondly, just who is it that is supposedly going to buy this "smart gun" when it hits the market? I'm not. You're not.

Here's the scary part. Expect the gubmint to say at some point that ALL handguns sold after 20XX must be of smart gun technology. It will happen.


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.
As to who will buy this gun, supposedly there is a study floating around somewhere that indicates that the potential customers for this product are people who do not presently own any firearms.
Colt believes that a potential market of 50-60 million new gun owners are out there waiting for someone to develop a workable smart gun.
One item of interest that is often ignored in these smart gun stories is that Colt has repeatedly stated that there would have to be some protection from possible litigation for development to proceed to the point where these guns are actually sold to anyone.
Great point CMOS!!!

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Wait until the first cop has his sidearm fail to fire because his "bracelet" has been torn off in a physical altercation, or his "I.D. ring" or trigger finger is dirty or bloody. I'm sure they'll want to hold the manufacturer responsible for that, too.

As far as "blaster vs. phaser", I dunno... the phaser has one neat feature: it can *vaporize* the target. That's a neat feature if you'd rather not explain why there's a dead guy in your living room! Just open the windows and let the place air out.
So George, Han has this blaster that's got some real power, fires a laser bolt that appears to have a MV of about 300 fps (?!?), and he's got a Weaver 2X scope on it, but he never uses the scope in their long shoot-outs... and this sidearm is about as ungainly as carrying an XP-100... ! :)

Oops, off-topic!

Smart Gun Debate = buy a couple of extra pistols now, and perhaps some airtight canisters to store them in a safe place.
Stuff that Phaser crap, what you need is a LIGHTSABRE. Cuts through anything, power cell lasts for years, and it deflects blaster bolts.

In addition, with blasters 'n' lightsabres, you don't get any of that Star Trek humanist/liberal/agonizing/hand-wringing/namby-pamby/moralizing/elitist/anti-self defense/chucklehead/hokey-plot drek, all for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

PS Please forgive me, I've been awake since 0450 CST, and I've only had one cup of coffeee.... :o :(

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
No, no, no, you got it all wrong! When the government installs those cool magnetic i.d. strips under our skin, the smart gun will recognize if you are a registered firearms owner and it will allow you to shoot it...

wow, that's scary, I think I'll wake up from this nightmare now.
I think the underlying idea of protecting the innocent is great. But I think the developer's of smart gun technology are a little naive to think they can pull this off any time soon. I think for the idea to work RIGHT, they would have to employ true Artificial Intelligence technology into their product. Given the state of AI in commercial applications right now, there is no way that a gun could be designed to truly fire only when supposed to.

Ask yourself, how really "smart" are alot of the gadgets or technology employed in our world today? I say not many, given that the ATM STILL asks me whether or not I prefer English or Espanol even though I've told it a million times before.
If geeks can hack the DVD encryption, which was supposed to be uncrackbale, (some stupid person left on of the keys unencrypted) then we (geeks) can hack smart gun chip and give defeat them also.
then only geeks can commit crimes. hehehehe

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
When the gun needs to be smarter than the owner its time to put the gun to use, right up against the owners head!

Hey, what about smart bullets.