

New member
i was planning on getting a 338 federal, but some money issues came up and the federal was not going to happen. while waiting around i came up with the 50-110 sharps in my tc encore. (MGM Barrels makes it). its going to be awhile till i get it, but a 27" heavy factory barrel with 465gr lead bullets and flex tech stock.oh yeah, a 3-9x swift scope. i guessing around 9 lbs, i think. now i know this will not be a 1000 yards gun. probably 100-150 yards, is all i want to shoot a deer/black bear. smokeless powder is going to be used, i don't want black powder.

what smokeless powder, be it pistol or rifle, would you use? it should be around 1200-1300fps.

oh, does the 50-110 sharps kick? like a 30-06 or a 338 rum?(please don't say 338rum, please, please, please don't say 338 rum!) :eek:
CotW shows a 465 at 1320, not much different from a good stout .45-70.
Lots of people think that is fun in a 9 lb rifle. I don't.
I have only fired my .50-70 Sharps, and didn't find the recoil to be all that harsh. I don't know how the .50-70 stacks up against a .50-110, though. To me, it was about the same as a .250 Savage or thereabouts.
my buddy and I are both experience 45-110 shooters and when he was given the chance to shoot one of the big 50's he did once. once. once. once. once.. if you get my drift.

when you move up to the slug size that shots best in the 50's, over 640 grains, you start to really notice the recoil. they are also hard to load for,

in the smokeless realm, you will have to be very careful of that big case as it really was designed for the fact that with black powder if you need more power you simply have to add more powder.

inattention to detail using smokeless in the big cases can cause unintended consequences. Not saying that it can't be done, just needs done with an eye towards detail and engineering the load and heeding the advice of those that have figured out how to safely load smokeless in them

the big british cordite rounds used in the african game fields are very similar, very. I believe that there is a crossover at the 45-120 to a 45 cal british load.