Sharon Stone Commits...

Rob Pincus

New member
To the other side.

highly regarded for her wonderful portrayal of a brilliant Bi-Sexual and for saying the "F" word repeatedly on Dennis Miller Live, has completely fallen off her rocker and will never again be considered even mildly attractive.

She called the LAPD and turned in 4 firearms today, asking for them to be destroyed.. and she called on other gun owners to do the same.

...and she called on other gun owners to do the same...

Yeah right, Sharon...whatever you say...

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited May 21, 1999).]
I have no objection. She can do what she wants, and ask of me what she pleases. It's the people who wish to send armed goons to TAKE my guns that get my goat.
Well, like the old saying goes;
"They can have my firearms when they pry my cold dead fingers from them!

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Don't you just love these bubble brained idiots that believe that because of a little celebrity they have some deep, valid insight that the rest of us are obligated to share?
Bill Maher, on "Politically Incorrect" (which I no longer watch) used to have a "Get Over Yourself Award".
If it wasn't for Rosie, Sharon would get my vote.

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited May 22, 1999).]
Did she turn in her bodyguards guns also?

Frankly I think all liberals should turn in their guns, it would thin out the herd.
Sharon is undoubtedly a customer of Gavin deBecker, famous provider of security services to the stars. He is very bright and driven, has become a millionaire with his security business, but is a complete hoplophobe about guns (probably due to his childhood). I'm sure he convinced her that her guns were a bigger danger to her and her bodyguards than to stalkers. Gavin is a staunch supporter of lawsuits against gun makers and the "43 times as likely" BS.
An open letter to Sharon,

Glad to hear you've made the switch. Now, to continue this selfless charity, please post your home and work addresses on the Internet. After all, if you really don't need those guns, then there must not be any security issues either ... We'd rather the BG's spend their time on an airhead like you instead of on the more logical members of our society.

Have a nice day, bimbo.
Rush Limbaugh had an interesting comment about why all the Hollywood types seem to cherish causes and the limelight. Bottomline is that they are known for their makebelieve and are desperate to be recognized for having a real persona too, so they pony up to whatever vehicle they are comfortable with that might distance them from the silver screen. Talk about the intellectually lazy :)! Kripes!

Yeah, Sharon, good idea... tell all the goblins that you're (1)rich and (b)unarmed.

I stopped in at the Long's Drugs down the street from my house Saturday morning (no ammo shortage there, BTW; 7.62 and .223 on the shelves, as well as a metric buttload of .50AE(*)). Talked with the sporting goods clerk about the Sharon thing, to which he scoffingly replied, "You don't think she actually turned in *all* her guns, do you? Guaran-damn-teed she just turned in her cheapest hardware and kept the best."

Glub forgive me, but I hope that this is the case and that she has to use it to defend herself. The political mileage we could get out of a situation like that would be incredible.

(*)...and a Desert Eagle XIX to put it in! Yow!

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
As I told my wife when she told me this, I'll bet every last dime I have that she did this for the limelight (getting old, never could really act, career getting stale now), and that she still has guns at home.
Bushwacker, the problem with that "cold dead fingers" remark is that the gun grabbers' response is, "Suits us.". After all, it's OUR fingers, but it won't be Sahrah Brady coming to collect my gun, it will be the National Guard, or my local sheriff.

And I've got a sad suspicion that, while most LEO's don't want to take our guns, their attitudes will change really quick once we've killed the minority who ARE willing. There's nothing that riles police up more than a cop killing, EVEN IF THE COP HAD IT COMING.
Yknow, Brett, I never thought of that and it is a really good point! I am not going to sign onto saying it is completely valid without further thought, however.

First off, the first guy who whacks an LEO for stomping into his house and attacking him just for owning a firearm is probably gonna get the treatment you suggest. In the process, tho, it wouldn't surprise me if several more people showed up to reason with those now adamant LEOs, resulting in several more deaths on both sides. Fine.

But what happens when the NEXT LEO stomps into a gunowner's house and is shot down? Do you believe that the same knee-jerk response would occur two days later? If so, having had notice now, it wouldn't surprise me if several HUNDRED people showed up to reason with those still-adamant LEOs. And the National Guard had to be called out to deal with them, taking several days to get going, and the Nat'l Guard may arrive to discover several hundred THOUSAND now gathered to reason with them, inquire as to the situation, declare it all under control and go home. Hey, it's worked before. If not, I guess we see what happens when the third invaded homeowner shoots down the invader.

Larry P.
Now, I have a question. How can anyone surrender a right? If I choose to turn in a pornographic book do I surrender my right of free speech?

This confusion between rights and other things concerns me ...

According to the statement, Stone says, "One of the greatest things my father taught me was respect for my country and gratitude for the rights we as Americans hold dear. My mother taught me the dignity of following my heart." Said heart apparently led Stone to "choose to surrender my right to bear arms in exchange for the peace of mind of doing the right thing."
I was on my way to work when I heard that Sharon had given her guns up to police. My first thought...she gave a few to get her name back in the spotlight. After the media died down about her "secret" marriage, she has had little attention in the spotlight.
I can't believe a woman that lives in a guarded house with bodyguards would give up every gun she owns. That's just nuts.

Just a side note...I didn't hear about any ammo being turned in. Did she not have ammo in her house? or .....

"Time changes everything"
If Mizz Stone of the knickerless brigade wants to hand over her guns, fine -- I have no objection. What I do object to however is such a trifling piece of self-serving, staged, twaddle being reported here in Perth in the local newspaper (1/4 page plus photo) as a "good thing" and another obvious chink in the "gun lobby's" armour.

I worked with an Australian showbiz "personality" for nearly 7 years -- and believe me, what she (Stone) did was carefully planned, thought out and media-manipulated for the maximum exposure by her and/or PR and management. I'll bet my last dollar (well, all right, 66 US cents!) that the "reporters" found out about it via press release from her or her associates.

And if anyone believes what she did was genuine, I have this lovely little bridge in Sydney I'd like to sell to you ...... ;)


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited May 27, 1999).]