Share Your IDPA Match Experiences...

Country Boy

New member
So, what were YOUR IDPA experiences like?

Me, I had a blast! I went to my first match a few Saturdays ago, and there were about 13 shooters present. I shot a Springfield 1911-A1 in the CDP division, and I was unclassified.

Stage 1 involved four targets and a lot of counting, which blew my mind. (Was the order 1-2-2-1, or 2-1-1-2 in which we were supposed to engage?) Stage 2 involve three steel targets, and the situation where we were behind the counter of an airline check in. Stage 3 (nicknamed "Invasion of New Guinea") involved six small torso targets, with the shooter behind cover, having to move three times, with three shots per target. Stage 4 involved four steel targets, with the shooter sitting, and the situation that we were newly sworn Air Marshals. (I need to get some steel targets of my own, dang, they were fun!)

I came in 11th out of 13 shooters, (all classifications, all divisions). When I saw the scores, I had an average score in all of the Stages except "Invasion of New Guinea". So I was satisfied that I was able to "hold my own" with the outstanding shooters there. Even my nerves on the first stage didn't get the best of me. It was fun to be able to shoot with serious shooters rather than alone or teaching someone the basics.

So, what do you have to share with the Shootaholics group? :p
my favorite was the third stage where you had to shoot from four different places. It makes it alot more challenging when yo have to decide your targets and cover as opposed to bing told it has to be done this way. Im glad you had fun. I think that he next match is on the twentieth.
I have competed at three different ranges this year. I hit each of them more than once. Most of them were very fun shoots. One range, though, has a "Range Nazi" who is simply there to show people that he knows more than they do. Shooting a stage where this guy is the safety officer is a nightmare. Everybody gets backed up at his stage because he needs to lecture his people on the most mundane of topics. I am all for safety, but the "range nazi" can be a real pain in the butt.

Ranges that keep the stages somewhat realistic, and have reasonable SO's will get my return business and recommendations to friends. I tell people to steer clear of those ranges that base their stages on martians landing and taking over the supermarket, and those that use unreasonable and arrogant people as their SO's.

Overall I have a great time and even the worst day at the range beats the best day at the office! Get out there and shoot!
MY IDPA EXPERIENCE (short whine).........

.........was when Bill Wilson told me I couldn't use my 5.5" Redhawks because they were too big to carry concealed.
And then the rule that ghost-ring/optic-fiber rod sights are forbidden; oh my oh my are all my carry guns inappropriate?

So someday when an IDPA match comes to my neck of the woods (unlike for IPSC/USPSA, where I'll drive to South Carolina or York, Pa. for a match) I'll try to have some kind of "legal" carry gun/gear combo to play with.

I should point out that I have a few guns that should be legal, maybe LOL.


"all my handguns are carry handguns" (that's MY rule)


You are in error about the optic-rod sights not being allowed. The sights like "Fire Sights" are allowed. They are considered "notch and post type sights".
WESHOOT2, sorry to hear about your bad experience. At our club, we let people shoot what the brung, no matter what as long as it is safe, the first time. We just let them know if it is legal or not with respect to the rules for a sanctioned match.

And yes, fiber-optic sights are legal. I shot last years Nats with a FO front post, and I will again this year.

I have been shooting IDPA for 4 years now. Club, state, regional, and national level. All have one thing in common, some of the best people you will ever meet in your life. Do not let one sorry SOB ruin it for you. For every one like that, there are a 100 good folks running IDPA matches.

See you next week KP95DAO.

Thanks for the kindness (Wilson is the originator of IDPA). Glad to know the front sight is now legal; hope the ghostring rear gets allowed.

Shot with IDPA'ers at the S&W USPSA matches, all good folks. Shooter's fraternity blah blah blah.

Just dislike rules past "Safety First"......

(Maybe if a match comes closer I'll be there.....but I love IPSC)


"all my handguns are carry and competition handguns"
my favorite stage of all so far was in a mock bathroom cmplete with stall and mock toilet. there were three bad guys, and you had to start sitting on the toilet, gun on the ground on WHERE YOUR PANTS WOULD BE. Your ankles were bound with a bungi cord to simulate your pants around your ankles. on the buzzer, you had to pick up yur gun, shuffle pants around your ankles, to the door, open it inwad, and engage the three threats. It was hillarious. Some of us even brought newspapers or magazines to read.
I always like the stages that force you to shoot on the move, or totally blind stages with multiple targets. And when I say on the move I mean MOVE.

Sometimes its limited vickers, sometimes it may or may not be timed. Every stage is a little different.

Did I mention retention shooting? Can't do that with a compensated gun. And this is the place where safe handling and the right clothes make the difference (don't want to shoot your new leather jacket) :D

We've had several stages where you are seated, reading a magazine, or "inside" a car, or one of my faves, pouring coffee over a campfire.. many of the competitors threw the coffee at the bad guys first.
An embarrasing experience
At a 2 man match a few months ago, a stage involved clearing 7 plates with 1 magazine. Any that you failed to take out were taken by your partner when you hit slidelock. You did this 2x, then your partner became the primary shooter and you became the backup. Anyway, the first time through, I cleared every single plate in record time with no need for my partner to shoot. Second time, I MISSED EVERY SINGLE PLATE :o
After that one I tried to shrink into my holster!
I feel your pain

A month ago I was at a match here in the Lafayette area. I was shooting 180 gr. WinClean thru my 4013TSW 1st gen. I unloaded an entire magazine on one popper that WOULD NOT FALL. I hit it with every shot but one (that's 9 rds cause i had one in the hole). The kicker was that woulda been one dead BG, bu I couldn't advance to other targets until the popper fell. I know I started by shooting too low, but I adjusted and still failed to neutralize.
I'm still steaming over that one.
We had a stage where you had an unloaded gun and an unloaded mag (like you were cleaning it at home) at the buzzer you had had to load as fast as you could then shoot. I took like 20 sec for the first shots after the buzzer. Another one you had a knife and had to stab, leave knife in target then shoot others. I like IDPA It can be a lot of fun. Patrick

Blackwater IDPA Richmond,VA
I would guess this past June at the Ohio State Match, I guess is something I remember the most. It had rained and some areas were pretty wet. In one stage, you were holding a brief case strong hand. At buzzer, you dropped the case, engaged 2 BG over the top of a fake car. You then had to drop to a prone position, shoot 2 poppers from under the fake car. I got the first popper one shot, popper # 2 was at an angle to the right, and I could not hit the damn thing. I was shooting revolver, and had to reload twice, all the while laying on a tarp puddled in water. I was soaked when done. Everybody tried to get out of there pretty quick, and enjoyed my stay in the water !
Here in Illinois, we've got a really interesting league with the most inventive match director you could imagine.

We shoot lots of 'practical' stages, and other that are practical but offbeat, like:
Shooting from a rocking boat
Shooting from a moving car/jeep/van
Using a van to simulate a helicopter side door and shooting while debussing
Shooting while carrying vital documents as a CIA courier
Having to knock mannequins off tables before engaging targets

And the best-engaging pop-up targets while firework rockets cross the line of sight! Yep, THAT'S distracting.

There's usually one 'fun' stage per match, so we all get our practical practice and then get to laugh at each other. And of course, this is all configured to be safe.
