Shaq the cop

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Shaq doesn't need a gun....he'll just step on you, y'all seen his shoe sizea?!!

Officer Shaq Takes Oath With Miami Beach Police
Heat Superstar Will Earn $1 Per Year as Reserve

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (Dec. 9) - Look out criminals, Officer Shaq is on the beat. Shaquille O'Neal was sworn in as a reserve police officer Thursday, with the Miami Heat center choosing to skip a public event in favor of a quiet, no-frills ceremony.

Miami Beach Police Department / AP
Shaquille O'Neal is sworn in as a reserve police officer in Miami.

More Coverage: Shaq Nearing a Comeback

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"Officer O'Neal is very considerate toward the other officers, and he was afraid if he was there he would have taken away from that moment for other officers," department spokesman Robert Hernandez said. "This is a very special time for them and their families."

The former Laker was a reserve officer in Los Angeles before moving to South Florida. He spent the past year training as a Miami Beach police reserve officer and can now add the $1-a-year salary to his $100 million, 5-year contract with the Heat.

The 7-foot-1 player will be able to carry a gun, wear a badge and make arrests, but with his celebrity status he most likely will not walk a beat or go undercover. He will work as time permits in the volunteer position.

O'Neal has said he is most interested in working with the special victims detective unit to help stop crimes against children.

"He made it clear when he decided to come to Miami Beach that he didn't want to just be a poster boy for photo ops, he wanted to get down and dirty and do the job," Hernandez said. "He's here to conduct investigations and to make arrests."

And in September he did just that. After seeing a man throw a bottle and yell anti-gay slurs at a passer-by, O'Neal trailed the man and helped an officer arrest him as a hate-crime suspect.

12/09/05 18:59 EST

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I thought it was interesting when CNN reported he was a "Detective"

Don't folks work real hard for a long time to get their "Shield?"

Being from Miami, all I can say is he sure as hell better not get hurt on his police job. The Miami Heat is paying good money for him to play ball. How many games has he missed so far? I saw him go down in the season opener. Besides, as big as he is, who the heck wants to go hand to hand against him. I'm sure the bad guy would just tell him... "say hello to my little friend"!
Think about getting busted by a 300+ pound, 7foot+ tall cop! Yes officer, NO officer!! Whatever you say officer!:)
I am from Miami also. For some time now, we have suffered with O'Neal's grandstanding. I just hope he turns out to be more valuable as a cop than he has been for the Heat franchise.

As far as im concerened he's just a bored rich guy, i mean a BIG bored rich guy, anyhow he's got the money to be anything he wants to be, and now he's playing cop, he'll probally play untill he hurts someone and they sue his big butt off, probally ''stuffin'' someone in a cop car or something, but dont basket-ball players dribble before they shoot?:D :D
Wasn't Elvis a 'cop' also?

I don't think that Elvis went through the same training that Shaq did. He completed a full Reserve Officer's academy (I think, if not the full time academy), and is fully sworn and commissioned.

He will be required to complete a probationary period, and an FTO phase, then probably a certain period of time before he is allowed on solo patrol. At least, that's how it works with most other police agencies.

In other words, he didn't just get a "special" commission based on who he is--he walked the walk. He has my respect, that's for sure!
I like Shaq, ever since he played basketball for the Tigers. From what I understand, he's a good guy, a nice fella, an upstanding citizen. I think it's great that he wants to be a cop. Maybe he can demolish cop-prejudice like he demolishes opponents in the paint.

Also, Shaq is THE most dominant player in the NBA. Shaq on his worst day is better than most players on their best. You Miami fans are lucky. With D.Wade and Shaq, y'all will always be contenders. Shaq is worth whatever he asks for as a player. Me, I have to root(sp?) for the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets.

To stay firearms related, what kind of gun does Shaq use/practice with? His hands are so huge, he can't even shoot a freethrow properly. I can't imagine his paws on any semi-automatic pistol. I would think a Desert Eagle .50AE would be on the small side for him...
Along with his academy training he recently earned a masters degree in criminal justice!

Sounds to me like he is planning out his career for after B-ball....

As far as a Desert Eagle, yeah that would be close to his hands, or at least closer then most...
Quite a few years ago Jacksonville University had a 7 foot plus player named Artis Gilmore. He attained some degree of national fame and played in the NBA for a while. When he left B-ball he became a, for real, Florida State Trooper. I remember reading an article about him where they commented that it was a bit disconcerting to have a Trooper walk up to the side of your car and you looked up at his belt buckle.
He had an incident where he stopped a semi-truck. when he walked up to the cab, the racist driver said something to the effect of "Hey BOY, get off my truck. Artis replied politely but, Im sure icily, something to the effect of, 'I'm not on your truck , Sir. I'm standing both feet flat on the ground." The sneering racist attitude left the driver rapidly as Trooper Gilmore politely wrote as many Tickets as he could legally justify,
I really like and respect Shaq as a generous and civic minded person. I wonder what kind of tactics and training he had to undergo? ;)
Look guys. I have plenty of respect for the guy and he really does a lot for the community. My friend told me he buys a trailer full of toys for disadvantaged kids each Christmas. I just think he is making a lot of money to play ball and that is what he needs to concentrate on. I like Shaq as a ball player also since he is not a ball hog. I think D Wade is a much better player though since he can't just sit there and goal tend like Shaq. He is just so big they alleyoop it to him and he puts it in. Wade is DA MAN!!! FLASH!!!
Tegemu says"Quite a few years ago Jacksonville University had a 7 foot plus player named Artis Gilmore. He attained some degree of national fame and played in the NBA for a while. When he left B-ball he became a, for real, Florida State Trooper."

I think you mean Pembrook Burroughs. He was a highly thought of FHP officer. Pembrook was also 7 foot tall. He played with JU along with Artis Gilmore.
I have met Shaq a couple of times in Orlando he sems like a very humble person, for who he is.

And I was told by a shop owner a few years ago here that he has a brace of Deagles.
I didn't have time to look at the photos though
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