Shameless promotion for Boy Scouting.


New member
Ok, this may not be the place for this. But with all the recent discussion on youth violence, lack of morals and the general sad condition of America's children, I though I'd share a positive thing for them. I'm a believer in scouting. It provides kids with morals, ethics and good citizenship and does it all in an atmosphere of fun and adventure.
Scouting is just plain FUN!

Alot of boys who are uninformed about scouting think scouts are a bunch of "wussies" and aren't interested. I've just updated my homepage with pictures from summer camp that prove nothing could be further from the truth. If you know a boy who could benifit from scouting, show him my homepage. If he's interested, contact your local Council. They're in the phone book under Boy Scouts of America.

Here's the link:

Yeah, I know there aren't any pictures of scouts shooting. I forgot my camera when we went to the range. My mistake. Besides I can only get so many pictures on the page.

Alright Rich, if I'm out of line, close this thread. No hard feelings.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited July 11, 1999).]
Grayfox, you are 100% correct. Just got back from summer camp late Friday night. Saw kids that for the first time in their lives get to shoot a gun. Watched kids learn to shoot skeet and a .22 while working on merit badges in shotgun and rifle shooting.

Boy Scouts teaches responsibility and leadership. Know a Judge, who helped out by having scouts in his court room one day to show them how the system worked. At the end of the day, he said "I have never had to send an Eagle Scout to jail. I have never even had one appear in my court room."

If anyone out there wants to make a difference, really do something to feel like you can have some affect on whats happening to todays kids, get into scounting. The rewards are tremendous.

Grayfox looked at your profile. Were you at Boxwell? I am an assist. scoutmaster with Troop 402 in Tullahoma.


[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited July 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited July 11, 1999).]
We go to Kia Kima near Hardy, Ark. We're in the Chickasaw Coucil which is headquartered in Memphis. Never been to Boxwell, but know alot of people who have.

Ever been up to Camp Roy C. Manchester? We camp their when we go visit the Boy Scout museum in Murray, Ky. Their waterfront is Kentucky Lake! It's great!
Great web site, Grayfox. You're working with a group of kids we know we won't be reading about in the papers except in a positive light. By the way, isn't that Ernest Hemingway standing there in the 3rd picture? ;)

Great Topic. Loved your pix from Summer camp. I was so rushed with my troop's camp earlier this June I never got the camera out. By the way, was that a Brotherhood level sash you were wearing? My picture was a little fuzzy.

I cannot agree more that for most young men, scouting is one proven way to develop a real moral sense and become a person, not just a young animal. I've seen a number of young men with problems, behavior and otherwise, blossom and grow in scouting.

I'm Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 227, Logansport Indiana. Were located in the Chief Logan District of the Sagamore Council, Kokomo Indiana. Camped this June (13 through 19) at Camp Buffalo, Buffalo, Indiana. Many of our scouts completed both Shotgun and Rifle merit badges this Summer, as did my younger son. The sixteen boys we took this Summer averaged three merit badges each. At least half the scouts also completed an advancement in Rank during Summer camp. We had a good summer camp this year. And, we've had a good summer program for out troop and the other troop (Troop 202) we hold joint activities with. Earlier this May we held an Eagle Court of Honor for five young men from the troops and expect at least two more Eagle Scouts before the end of the year. Yes, many young men are growing in Scouting. And, it takes adults willing to take the time with the Scouts.

Great work Greyfox. Shameless promotion for Boy Scouting is worth it. We should all be proud to promote scouting, and I say that as a father, an Assistant Scoutmaster, District PR chair and Council PR committee member. Keep up the good work.

Jim in IN

Was one of the proudest moments in my life when a friends kid invited me to his award of Eagle Scout as his sponsor? Mentor? I had gotten him involved in Scouting when he was about 8. Helped him get a lot of his merrit badges (for those out in the woods). His dad was city born and bread and did not have the background to help him with a lot of the outdoor stuff such as identifying tracks etc.

Was very proud of his accomplishments. He ended up with an appointment to west-point.

Grayfox, thanks for the memories. Scouting had a most positive effect on my life, not to mention providing some of the best times of my life as a kid and a good education in woodcraft and nature that continues to serve me to this day.

And a special thanks to all you guys who serve as Scoutmasters, it's a great way to insure that at least some kids wil get it right in later life.
Scouting is definately one of the best things that ever happened to me. Learned a lot about life and my dad at the same time.
Made me responisble (kinda) and getting Eagle got me into a lot of private schools Universities that otherwise would have rejected me.
I've been meeaning to get back and help my old troop out. I guess I should probably make some phone calls tonight

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?

Our troop is in the Elk River District of the Middle Tennessee Council. We had two troops from Memphis at Boxwell this year, along with a troop from Colombus, Ohio, and another from Florida. We were in Camp Stahlman along with about 16 other troops. I have heard of Camp Roy C. Manchester, but have not been there. We have talked about it, maybe next spring.

I took the boys who were 13 years and younger to Boxwell while the rest of the troop is on the way to Philmont. They left Saturday morning and will return in two weeks. We are to go again in 2001, at which time my son and I will get to go.

To Chink, make the phone call. You will not regret it.

A Scout is:
-and Reverent.

If more people lived by these words, this would be a much more enjoyable world.

-Bulldog, Explorer and Scout
I appreciate your positive thinking in posting good, wholesome information about scouting. Isn't that what scouting was originally intended to be and by the grace of God still remains so today?

I must, however, remind everyone of the forces working to destroy the good wholesome nature of scouting. Let's not forget the recent efforts of the liberals, the ACLU, the media, the "supposedly enlightened" and the MEDIA in their attempts to force the acceptance of homosexuality within the scouting community. Here again is a prime example of the efforts of the media to transform what has been heretofore a good, wholesome, moral organization into one of sexual deviancy and it's acceptance. Thank God they didn't succeed. It'sx too bad that they have succeeded with other parts of society. Is it any wonder America is in decline and children are going around and committing mass murder against children?

"All that is neccessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
it is my opinion that the sexual orientation of the boys isn't important. as long as you keep it to yourself. It will make others uncomfortable if you reveal that you are gay. also, it can ruin the group cohesiveness that is needed in many activitys that scouts are required to perform.

Yep, that's a brotherhood sash. Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge #558. "Home of the Black Bear" :)

The BSA is a private organization. No one is forced to join. If you do join in violation of our rules, we have every right to kick you out. BSA reserves the right to deny membership to anyone who does not follow our guidelines. BSA policy is not to accept atheists or homosexuals as their beliefs are opposed to our moral values. This has been tested in court many, many times. BSA has always won.

I am aware that there are some members of this forum who are atheists. Please understand that I an not judging you nor am I saying anything against you. This is BSA policy, not necesarily mine. My own personal policy is how you live your life is non of my business. I may not agree with you but, I will respect your choices if you will respect mine.

That said, I really would prefer to drop this line of discussion. My intent with this thread was to promote Scouting as a way to help our children, not start a debate on lifestyles or religion.
Appreciate your sensibilities. That said, I really would prefer you to keep this line of discussion going. My intent was to promote a wholesome, good conversion between those who think homosexuality is normal, would require homosexuals to be accepted in all areas of society including legitimizing their teachings in public schools vand those who think America should reject the current cultural immorality and get back to what is wholesome and good for our children. Scouting is a way to help our children. We should strongly debate lifestyles and the cultural decay so often refered to as a cultural revolution by the liberal, anti-American, new age, media owning, propaganda spreading, preversion loving MEDIA and their efforts to redefine America in a sexually, morally perverted Sodam & Gammorra or a self destructive Rome. I really hate to see America go down that road but then all that is neccessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Greyfox.....speak out against the moral decay or are you afraid to speak your mind? You've got to stand for something or you will fall for anything. Just what is your stand?
Frank are you in Scouting? One thing I have seen in the people who support Scouting is that they do not talk a lot, they do a lot. They do a lot by taking vacation time, personal time, and time when they should be doing something else, to be with boys to show by action not by words how to become responsible adult men.

I am with Grayfox, if you want to discuss the media, homosexuallity, religion, or any other topic and its relationship and affects on our society, start another thread.

How many of you TFL'ers are into Boy Scoutinging? How many of you would like to know how to get into Scouting? There are more ways than just being a Scoutmaster. There are Merit Badge Counslers, Troop Committees, many other ways. Lets hear from you.

you are absolutley right. I could go on and on about the people who made huge time sacrafices so that my troop could succeed. But there isn't enough bandwidth.
I was there in the beginning, March of 1990 when the troop as started. This past march, the troop commitee decided that the troop had gotten to big another troop was formed. This could only happen because parents took the time to make the program fun, educational and a place kids wanted to be.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?