Shadow Wolves


New member
Hi Fellows,
I went out late yesterday afternoon to do a little wolf hunting along the river. It was raining, of course, and visibility was poor. The wolves were howling, yapping and having a good old time of it, as they ran the river. Try as I might I couldn't get a shot at one. They were always just out of sight or a fleeting shadow in the bush. One of these days though, POW!!!
We've trapped several and they are nice big animals weighting well over a hundred pounds. We've also trapped some wolverine. What nasty tempered critters they are. I sure wouldn't want to meet one in a dark alley.
I'm looking forward to snow so we can track'em. We'll set out a small trapline when winter sets in. I still one black bear left on my tag. Sooner or later I'll come across an old boar worth taking. I'm in no hurry though. I love the hunting!
I hope you enjoy your hunting season. What a blessing it is to have the freedom to hunt.

Amen brother. It is a such a blessing.

Do you know of anyone who's ever taken a wolf off a predator call?

Tell me about your involvment in coutada 5.
Speaking of predator calls, when I was in SA, I started blowing one while we looked at a waterhole one afternoon. My PH thought it was a good idea until he actually heard the call..

Turned white and asked that I quit.. He had no idea how life like they are - after the first round of squeals he got visions of a lion visiting us in the blind... :D
For sure if you have rabbits around, or any critter that, when wounded, makes a similar sound, predators will come in.

It has upset more than one coyote hunter to be (Literally!) run over by a bear, or to have a mountain lion come silently to within a very few feet.

There's a reasonably well-known picture of one of the Burnham brothers with an owl landing on his hat, as they were out calling...

It would be worth a try, for wolves.

Good story, Marshal -

Keep us posted as the winter set in and your traps are out.

Saw one wolf in Canada many years ago - only one I've ever laid eyeballs on. The wildlife service and state G&F are trying to reintroduce the Mexican Red wolf here in the southwest - much to the disgust of ranchers and most hunters. Hasn't worked out real well, though. Sure have spent (wasted) millions of the sportsman's tax money (Robertson-Pittman) trying to get the critters established.
Predator calls!

You fellows are absolutely right about predator calls. When your not at the top of the food chain it is very unwise to advertise. We have so many brown bears here in southeast Alaska that a rifle shot conjures up visions of gut piles and has their lips smacking. When you kill a deer you best watch your six and get it to the beach in a hurry.
When I am in Africa (Mozambique) I consider myself a walking predator call. No way would I aggravate my situation by broadcasting "Dinner is served." In fact the same is true in southeast Alaska.
I sure did enjoy varmint calling when I lived in Texas though.:)
