Shadow shooting??


New member
When i was a teenager i use to box for about 6 years and shadow boxing was a big part of training and played a big role in question is does this at all translate into shooting?? Im aspiring for a career as a leo and want to get as much of an advantage as i can over my classmates when i attend school..can playing out certain scenarios and "shadow shooting" help me improve anything and if so what type of drills should i be running??

Thanks for any advice
I'm not exactly sure what shadow boxing is. So I can't make a guess about shadow shooting. But I can say that unless you can't hit the broad side of a barn, marksmanship is a minor concern at copper school.

Of all the components of copper school, I always felt that PT upper body strength (pull ups) was the biggest challenge. I was a good runner and a good academic student (books). But I was never one of those playground/monkey bars monsters who could do a gazillion pullups.

Run. Do pushups. Get good at pullups. Shoot a little if you like. Hone your note taking skills. Hone your listening and observation skills. Hone your English language speaking, reading and writing skills. And if you don't already speak Spanish and/or one of the Asian languages, hone up on at least Spanish.

Sgt Lumpy
Thanks for the advice i never thought of learning another language like spanish but i can definetly see the advantage in knowing that..also to clarify my origonal question for those who dont know what i mean shadow boxing is when you fight a imaginary oppenent you bob weave and throw punches just as if you where fighting by shadow shooting i mean aiming at a imiaginary target or attacker with a empty gun..
With a gun that you can safely dry fire, or shoot with snap caps you can practice drawing, target acquisition, and trigger control. Just be really certain about putting all your live ammo in a separate area from the mags you are practicing with. A cheap detachable laser is also helpful for dry firing practice.
Besides shadow shooting...shooting in front of a mirror, can also help. I like to dry fire in front of my TV set. No...I haven't accidently shot out my TV set yet.
Dry practice is infinitely cheaper than blowing live ammo down range and it can be done in the comfort of your own home. I used to do it while seated in my favorite arm chair watching TV. Pick a "target" and practice trigger control. Get target acquisition and get the trigger break. The goal was to have the sights on the same place on the target when the trigger did break as before the trigger was squeezed. Added benefit of this type of practice is that one builds and strengthens the muscles in the arm and neck from the weight of the gun if you practice long enough each day. In a life without a gun, you would not be holding a weight out in that firing position for an extended period of time. After a couple of months of this type of dry practice, you will see a considerable improvement in your marksmanship and notice a steadier hand.
When I practice with snap caps I usually pick a "target" plant, chair, light switch, etc.
I try to pick targets that are different heights, angles and will not be dangerous in the very bad case of a AD.