Sex offenders, something to make note of!

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I think I'd call the police like you said and then make sure he knew you saw him. Like you mentioned, it is difficult to know exactly what is going on but calling the police and confronting him would be fine given the circumstances.
At that distance he would not be a threat to you. In the exact situation you mention he would be a threat to the child, and most if not all states have statute covering use of force in the defense of others. You may want to look that up for your jurisdiction. What level of force will be dependent on the level of threat.

Sex offender registries are most usually compiled by the sheriff and maintained by the state police. I would ask the sheriff's department why this guy is not on the regular listing. Either there is some legitimate reason or something is wrong. In either case you will have learned something that may prove useful at some other point.
First off, more info is needed. Contact your local LEO or Probation Dept. and inquire about the S/O. What was the age of his victim(s)? Is this a 23 y/o boy who was dating a 15 y/o girl who's mother found out, or an out right sexual Predator who abducted & raped adults and or children? Or was he an online predator / viewer with no "hands on" documented offense? Date of offense? Was the charge Pled Down? And, most important, what RISK LEVEL (risk of recidivism, re-offending, low, med or High), do LEO's consider this individual? Has he completed S/O treatment? Does he have MH issues (as many do), and or special Court Ordered conditions? Is he (or she), a Lifetime S/O registrant, or only 10 years? Different States have different conviction rules, laws, etc.
These are questions I would inquire about, and after conviction, should be public information. Pro-active Police Departments will "paper" a S/O... cover the neighborhood with flyers and or notify all neighbors.
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So though he is registered like he is suppose to he does not show up if I just searched the data for my state. Now I don't know why the system has this flaw but it seems that you should not have to search though four systems to find the guy across the street!
Ok, you live in Michigan and I presume you looked thru the DOC registry for Michigan, what other systems did you look at to find the local offender?
I live in a small community(under 1000) and there is several within a few blocks, but what level offender are you also referring to?
Dru Sjodin Site,
This is for level 3 offenders.
Level 2 notices go to schools day cars and Churches but don't show on web searches that i know of.
Go to the Michigan Department of Corrections Web Site, go to OTIS and type in his name, that will give you his crime and MDOC number. Then go to the bottom of the page to the link for the MSP Sex Offender Registry, do a seach and that will give you the sex offender info.,4551,7-119-1409---,00.html (OTIS) (MSP Sex Offender Registry)

I dont know what you posted but this will give the info you are probbly looking for.
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It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. – J. R. R. Tolkien
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