Setting Up My 617 Revolvers


New member

Today I took my 6 inch and 4 inch 617s to the range. I wanted to test ammo to what my guns like, especially the 4 inch because that's what I intend to shoot the next Steel Challenge with.

I started out with Eley Force. Surprisingly everything went bang and shot pretty well. After 50 rounds I had to clean the cylinder because extraction stated to get very hard.

I cleaned the gun with a brass brush in my portable hand drill.

I then shot Federal BYOB 40 grainers. All shots went off and grouped well at 15 and 20 yards. I like practicing at 20 because it simulates Pendulum.
I kept all shot inside a 8 inch circle, most in a 4 inch groups but I had a few fliers.

Remington Golden Bullets went the best, good groups and I fired 140 rounds without having sticky ejection.

I didn't shoot them today but last week I shot Mini Mags and they worked well except I needed to clean the gun after 50 rounds. Federal 800 pack worked o.k. with good groups but still had to clean after 100 rouns.

So, Federal BYOB and Reminton Bucket O Bullets are working the best. BYOBs are getting difficult to find but I still have a few. Remingtons are getting easy to find.
Interesting on the hard extraction with the Eley. I wouldn't have expected you to have trouble with only a box through it...