Setting up a home practice range?


New member
Okay, so I'm wanting to set up a home range to just plink and practice on. I have the perfect spot but I'm not sure how to set it up.

What I have is a ditch behind my house. There is a long lane that leads back t it, around 200 yards, and it is down in a little valley. The creek runs pretty straight and there is a path alongside it. Down towards the end of the path is a woods and the creek breaks to the right. As it breaks, the hill follows creating a natural bullet trap with nothing beyond it for at least another 6-700 yards.

My thought was to put up one sheet of plywood at the woods, then using my rangefinder put stakes in at 50, 100, 150, 200, and 300. I don't do much past 300, so there isn't a point in making it any further. I thought that would be easy because I could set up the table at whatever yardage I was going to shoot. Or, would you make multiple targets at said distances and pick one spot to set up the table? So, what would you do?
