Set your sights on this gun site.

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New member
Here's an interesting site I found a few
weeks back that offers a different perspective on some of the topics debated on this forum. It's called PlusP; give it a look (no, I don't get any money for saying that, I don't even know the people involved) and let me know what you think. If nothing else, it's food for thought.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited November 08, 1999).]
Hi guys, PlusP is based out of Burnsville, MN, not too far from the city I live in. I have firsthand experience with the classes offered by them.
Actually, only the Defensive Handgun Course. Well worth the seventy-five bucks!!! That class deals mainly with the legalities of concealed carry. When to shoot, when not too, state laws, what to say to the cops after a shooting (NOTHING!) and that sort of thing. You do 'qualify' in this class. Fifty rounds thru you handgun, at a sillouette (sp?) at 7 yds. Three cylinder fulls, or three mag.s full for you bottom feeders :) , are shot in nearly complete darkness. If you already know how to shoot a concealable gun well, then this class is pretty close to all you need for getting your CCW. If you are new to guns I would strongly advise more hardware training, since like I said, that class is mainly about the legalities.
In addition to the certificate, your 75 bucks allows you to return and sit thru the class as often as you like in the future, and in the event you face charges related to a shooting, you get the service of their expert witness gratis.
The teacher of the class I took, is an ex-cop, ex-sherrif, ex-detective and survivor of a shooting. He knows his stuff, and is a nice guy that is happy to help you out with whatever questions/concerns you may have. (No, I'm not getting any money for saying this. I am just honestly impressed with PlusP.)
FWIW, -Kframe
Very impressed with their sight. Really liked the pictures, esp the post hurricane ones from FL. Really shows the value of an armed citizenry.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
I took a good bit of time to read over the "on-line lessons." The site struck me as very practical and their positions on what happens in real gun fights, etc., seemed well thought out. A refreshing change from a lot of the BS you read in the gun mags.

I hope I can get over to MN in the not too distant future and take the basic defensive handgun course.
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