Service / issued / duty handgun vs. privately used model


New member
The ones carrying a duty weapon or are at least trained on a particular model (LE, AF, NG etc.): Do you use the same or a different model in civil life?
To make a start, we are trained on the G17 in the Ready Reserve and I use the very same model privately. Not very much of a choice here in Austria, though.
Quite a few U.S. police departments
give their officers some choices as to
what handguns they can carry.

I think Chicago, by providing an arms
allowance to the officers, lets them pick
from a list of autos.

In effect, the officers actually own the
Range Officer I met a couple of weeks ago carries an issued Glock 17 as his duty weapon for the Sheriff's Dept. Carries a G19 as his off duty, and was what he was wearing at the range.
Officers at my department are issued either Glock 22's or Glock 17's for duty. Most cops carry the Glock 26 or 27 off duty and as a backup, but officers can carry pretty much anything in .380 or above off duty, as long as it comes from an approved manufacturer. Officers with small children in the home often leave their duty guns at work, and carry something with an external safety off-duty. I carried a Beretta Px4 storm while my kids were young.
I've only worked for smaller LE agencies in Ohio during my career and always had to provide my own firearm. So I carried the same firearm on and off duty most of the time, until I was able to afford to buy a few more. But during my time with a commission, I had to qualify with every pistol/revolver I wanted to carry on or off duty. Fortunately, our fireams instructor didn't have a problem working with you through multiple handguns. Some of my fulltime work was with the department of corrections, where we were issued revolvers, shotguns and sometimes a mini-14 out of the armory. We were not permitted to carry any personal weapon on duty, and corrections afforded no off duty concealed carry. I had that covered with my police commission. Now that I'm retired, as long as I do the annual requalifications on the LE side, I'm good.
I was issued an M9.
I have never carried one outside of a combat zone.
My personal preferences are for very different things, and my daily carry is a revolver (for a time, I carried an LCP - but it's gone now).

Policy stated you would carry agency's issue pistol, which translated into several varieties of SIG. There was provision to carry a personal weapon, with supervisory approval, which must meet policy, so any PO handguns on duty were also SIG.

I bought an identical SIG so as to have a second gun should mine go down, or have to be surrendered for administrative reasons. I also shot my PO SIG, in my duty rig in IDPA, for more trigger time.

The duty SIG and its clone were big pistols, not easily concealed in some circumstances. Many, including myself, also bought a smaller SIG model (on the approved list) for off duty and backup carry.

All those guns had to go to the range, along with their carry system, for bi-annual quals, light and reduced light, pass fail on the spot. As a rule, the agency, nationwide, shot very well.
Yes. I was/still am issued a Beretta M9 in the military. I am fond of the guns, and went on to buy my own along with the issued kit for it:


I also have a Beretta 92A1 that has several modifications and editions that I use as a dedicated home defense pistol:


I am very used to them due to my training and they fit my hand well and I find them smooth, pleasing, and reliable firearms.
I'm issued a SW MP 9mm for on duty. Off duty, I carry one of my revolvers, either S&W .357 or .44 Magnum, on occassion in real hot weather (shorts), a S&W 642 snub .38. There is also a Sig 220 .45, Beretta M9 9MM and Springfield 1911A1 .45 that get carried on occassion, but primary off duty for me is a S&W Magnum revolver and a weak side pocket full of speedloaders and speedstrips.
On duty it's a Glock 19 w/ 124gr HST ammo.

Off duty.... I still carry my first duty weapon, a S&W M-15-3, cylinder full of 125gr +p, 2 speed loaders and a speed strip full of standard pressure 125gr gold dots.. Sometimes my LCP when circumstances dictate it.

Once in a while my wife's 10mm Glock 29...