Seriously considering building SBR AK.


New member
Hey guys I am really really thinking about getting a AK pistol and making it into a SBR my question is how is how do you like 7.62x39 out of such a short rifle and which pistol would make a good donor? I am a Russian/Bulgarian AK fan i see they make the milled SAM7K pistol but since this is gonna be a DIY project for more enjoyment what other AK pistols would you recommend? I feel it would be better to go with a pistol since shortening AKs can fool with the gas pressure and it won't have a tang to cut off.

Or should I get a pistol reciever and make it that way? a lot of that would be outside my abilities but then i could have a 5.45 too.

I was looking at the Draco and the polish (not us) made hellpup. the rest seem too meh. How are the barrels good bad? Chromelined? :confused: I just don't wanna spend the money for a stamp and parts and whatever if the base rifle isn't worth investing in.

Since the SAM7K costs more then my fullsized Arsenal.

I just think a rifle thats folded that is under 2' long would be fantastic.
Big bullets are less dependent on velocity to work their mojo, which is why I didn't go with 5.45. With commie bullets, and a short barrel, you will get crazy muzzle flash, though. So much so, that in my opinion, it makes the rifle impractical for anything other than amusement. Blast is concussive, as well.

Just go with whichever caliber you like better. I can't speak to what platform is best to start from today, I got my stuff a long time back.
I'm definitely not trying to steer you away from an AK by any means, but have you given much thought to the difference between 300 BLK and 7.62x39?

Backout runs great in short barrels, there's the usual short barrel concussion and blast but it works fantastic out of a 9". Since the rounds are *fairly* similar I'd imagine it would work out pretty well.

Then again, I'm not an expert- nor do I play one on TV.
300Blackout is great; the problem is availability and price of ammo. I had a 300BLK AR15 that I sold for $800 last year because ammo cost too much for me. It might be different if you reload though.

Venom, the Draco Pistol (Romanian) would be a good candidate for a SBR AK. They have chrome-lined barrels and good finish/quality for a basic AK. Your accuracy will be much better when you install a stock. Mine is harder to aim (for obvious reasons) so I put a red dot on it. The best thing is that it fits in a large backpack. One thing to note though is that it has the narrower magazine well which doesn't fit some polymer mags like Tapco's. Not a big deal since I always use steel mags and there is no magazine wobble.

Or you can buy both a AK rifle with a folding stock, and a AK pistol to save forego the SBR. Here is a comparison:

What kind of replacement grip is that? I have a hogue on my draco at the moment because it was avaible locally but I would be interested in buying one of those and givingit a shot (or 30).

I also highly recomend a red dot sight as well. The stock sights work ok but its very hard (for me) to line up quick follow up shots with it. I have only had the Draco Pistol but I absolutly love mine. It's never had any hiccups and eats whatever I feed it (I did have one failure to fire but that was ammo related- same batch had issues in my AK and SKS)


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