serious gun control threat

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How tough will it be to get majority of the countries that join this to vote antigun. It seems to me only antigun countries would consider joining this group. Stupid global views like this really tick me off. If your country wants really tough gun laws to control crime then have fun. I prefer my country to control crime with guns in citizens hands.

They can have my guns from my cold dead hands.
We are going to have to keep an eye on Hillary Clinton, who opines that Mexico's gun violence is a direct result of America's 'lax' gun control.

Stay tuned.
Yes, this is pretty much the same treaty that the U.S. supported under Clinton in the 1990s, and then killed when Clinton was replaced by Bush in 2000. The United States opposed it in the UN again in 2006 (That vote was 139 for, 24 abstaining and only the U.S. as "against").

Of course, now we have a new administration and a filibuster-proof Senate. So if the United States wanted to ratify this treaty, they wouldn't have much trouble doing it. Luckily for us, the UN will not move on this until 2012 - which means three more Congressional elections and a Presidential election where we can make our voices heard.
Nobody I've seen has yet presented a convincing argument as to how this has anything to do with civilian gun ownership and use rather than what is says on the label, which is international arms trafficking.
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