Serbian Protests and Counter Protests


New member
Serbia has the third highest rate of private firearm ownership in the world by some reckonings. At least it did until last week when the Government demanded a mass turn in of firearms. It is likely much higher due to all the weapons left over from the wars in the 90s.

So there have been two mass shootings in Serbia recently. T last one in May, where a 13 year-old stole his father's legally owned and lawfully stored firearms and unloaded on a school. Being 13, he can't be prosecuted.

As expected the plan to fix this was to do a bunch of things that had nothing to do with it.

- Demanded the turn in of unlawfully owned guns under amnesty
- Declared a moratorium on gun permits
- Apply More medical and psych checks on legal gun owners

They also decided to hire 1200 SROs.

Currently there are two camps of protestors.

The Protestors want:
- More gun laws and restrictions
- Restrictions on Free Speech/ Media/ Press
Other than reporting conditions in Serbia and how people who want to ban legal ownership of firearms are found all over, is there a point for discussion here??
I was trying to draw a parallel to the idea that gun banners are the same everywhere. Seems to be a lack of interest though.
From a "news" (Internet) article about this, I note a few things...

Legal firearms ownership in Serbia requires a govt. permit...

Semi automatics are NOT legal...

estimates (surveys) indicate 2.7 million guns in the country with 1.5 million not legally owned.

So far, about 68,000 "firearms and explosive devices" have been turned in during the govt amnesty period, which ends June 8.

A couple of mass shootings are said to have sparked the protest and gun ban measures, one done by a 13 yeard old boy with "his father's pistol".

I would point out, that it is unlikely his father gave him permission to use the pistol, so it would be a stolen firearm.

There has been armed conflict in that part of the world, between various factions almost constantly going back at least to the days of Roman rule. Numerous wars, and "ethnic cleansings" have virtually come to define "Balkan" nations.

NOW, they seem to think turning in all the guns to the government will make them safer. Guess we'll just have to see if it works. I have serious doubts it will. Changing the culture of violence MIGHT work. Changing the easily available tools never does.
44 AMP said:
NOW, they seem to think turning in all the guns to the government will make them safer. Guess we'll just have to see if it works. I have serious doubts it will. Changing the culture of violence MIGHT work. Changing the easily available tools never does.

"But we have to do something!"