Serbian Crackdown on Kosovoans?

I'm as sympathetic to human rights violations as the next guy. But I just don't get the logic behind the latest "reports" that the Serbs are using our military action as a cover to step up genocidal activity in Kosovo.

Why would a nation, now under military attack by the world's SuperPowers, worldwide microscopic attention and the certainty of a War Crimes Tribunal at the conclusion, use valuable fighting assets to step up ethnic cleansing programs?

Surely, we'd expect to see similar ferocity on the War front? At the risk of minimizing the abysmal plight of those fleeing their homes, I have to wonder if we're not being jerked around just a bit.
Why, under the circumstances, step up their "ethnic cleansing"? To present us with an accomplished fact on the ground before we have time to stop them, of course! In a week or two, there won't BE any Albanians left in Kosovo. Just loyal Serbs and Serb troops. Then what is Clinton going to do, import fresh Albanians to hand the province over to?
Yes, we are indeed beng jerked around. But those Serbs are clever. They understand NATO's reluctance to get into a ground war so they'll accept some collateral damage while they step up the 'ethnic cleansing' and get the job done (Brett hit it). By the time NATO recognizes the reality of what it takes to do the job right and finds the 'nads to step in, it'll be over.

Opinion: While neither side has been angelic in their behavior, the Serbs have demonstrated a particular viciousness fueled by a misplaced a nationalistic and 'victim' mentality. Given that those folks have been f**king each other over for centuries, I favor a) walling them all in, arming them all equally and let the victor emerge, or, b)'nuclear cleansing' of the whole region, let it cool off, and make it a nature refuge. M2
As I look at this, I have apologize for my skepticism and insensitivity. It's certainly likely that, due to US bombing the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province are likely open season. This would fit with human nature at it's worst.

All told it's a horrible situation. Each day, it appears more clear that, in the end, ground troops will be required, unless we arm the KLA. We're going to be hard pressed to have fueled this hatred and then just walk out. I hope the decision will be to arm and train rather than defend.

I won't delete or lock this thread. It'll be my reminder to myself to "think twice, post once".
Its more or less a religious Holy war with almost 1000 yrs of animosity. And, notice we haven't got a Croatian involvement in this little side story.
The fact is that Milosevich isn't stupid and he knows that NATO, UN and US will not exterminate the Serbs. He also is aware that Clinton and Sandy Berger are still against shipping arms to the Kosovars. He also knows that world and US public opinion is turning against the bombing. As for a War Crimes Tribunal...BFD! What is that? Saddam, N. Korea, Uganda, Rwanda, etc ad nauseum...have they been brought to the Tribunal? That means nothing, more words.
Given this, from a strategic and tactical standpoint, Milosevich is doing the smart thing: eliminate his "enemy" while he has the chance...less Kosovars to worry about later, under any circumstances. Think like a Sicilian Rich ;)
Well, said, DC! Also, where is the safest place for your armed forces during a bombing campaign? Mixed in with those the bombers are trying to protect, of course.
Me, too, for my cynicism and facetiousness, but the whole mess boggles the mind at almost any level, and it's real clear our 'leadership' did not think this through. It's just so frustrating.

These things are like the Tarbaby in the Uncle Remus story. Touch it for whatever reason, honorable or otherwise, you're still stuck. Damn all the politicians and thugs, pray for the innocents. M2
On this evenings CBS News they had some interviews with a few of the refuges. The story they tell is that Serb troops are extremely PO'd by the bombing and frustrated that all they can really do is duck and take it. They are venting their frustration by taking it out on the Kosovars in some of the most violent attacks yet.
Brett definatly nailed it, the Kosovars are running like rabbits, crossing the border at a rate of two thousand an hour. Kosovo will be a ghost town long before any UN troops can be mobilized. Serbs win by default. What Milosovic wanted all along was to get rid of the Albanians. Well Clinton and the UN have granted his wish.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, the bombing are not going to do much good. There has never been a war were the opposing side was bombed into summission( ASK RUSSIA, IRAQ) With that in mind, if NATO isn't willing to put in ground forces that will Destroy Human Targets, and everything else in its path, then they shouldn't be bombing them.. The Serbian Leader will not be pressured into pulling back unless it comes form within the borders of Serbia by its citizens. NATO can take out military targets all day because they are expendable and they are considered necessary losses so bombing them will not make the power that be change it's view of what needs to be done.
Although the US is the main super power the world as a general community knows that we will not fight a war unless there is a potential gain in it for us. Serbian leaders know this and that is why they will continue to shoot down USAF planes because the chance of us sending our boys and girls over there are slim to none. We will continue to bomb these military targets with little or no success until we allow the media to play our involvement out so we can ease into some other crisis states side.
The things we are doing have othing but negative effects on those poor Kosovars, and if we are going to put there women and childrens lives on the line for Political Agendas then we should at least be Country enough to put ground forces in and Destroy the treat all together, but then again we wouldn't profit nothing from saving a non jewish populace from Genocide.
"Those who will not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

Clinton and his advisors apparently are unaware that the Nazis could not "pacify" the area with 700,000 troops--plus help from the Croats and Albanians...

We don't *have* 700,000 troops!

On another forum a regular poster from Europe commented that if Milosevich had signed the accords, he would have been assassinated. Those folks play for keeps, and they could teach guerilla warfare to Sun Tzu & Mao.

Any NATO ground troops will learn a lot about snipers...
Now, please don't take this as another Serb / Nazi comparison - that has been WAY overdone. However, even towards the end of WWII, Hitler / Himmler and gang were feverishly trying to wrap up the Final Solution even as they were clearly losing the war. Ethnic hatreds can override strategy it would appear.

Besides, I also agree with Brett - the Serbs are getting what they wanted.

At least Clinton and Co. are consistent in their ignorant fear of self-defense. It is criminal to maintain an arms embargo in the face of such aggression. When we earlier aided such an embargo, cooperated with herding Bosnians into 'safe' areas, and then stood by while they were massacred, at that point we participated in the murders. What is different now?

Anyone who who would disarm my family, coercively take responsibility for our defense and then allow my family to be murdered ... how can that person or country be considered anything but my sworn enemy?

I am honestly surprised that our soldiers and other NATO / UN personnel aren't under greater attack by many groups in the Balkans. How has the UN or NATO made this situation better?
It would seem that we are likely to wind up hated by everybody - probably justifiably.

Gee, our government at work.
Rich: Go to "" and read the article in their Global Intelligence Update, titled "Kosovo Crisis Points To Global Realignment." This site is definitely worth the occasional browse-through.

Ask yourself if the Klintonistas would be very good at playing Chess...

Later, Art
What I find most disgusting is when this administration makes its justification for the bombings and resulting death and damage they consistently state, "Milosevich and the Serb government take the full responsibility for the continuing NATO bombings." Oddly enough this sounds just like a terrorist organization shifting the blame to another nation or entity for their actions. The "You made me kill these people," mentality.