Sens. Allard/ Fienstien on Inside Politics

Rob Pincus

New member
Fienstien is blaming "High powered Weapons with big Clips" as the reason that more than 4 people were killed. Hmmm..... I wasn't aware that they had Striker-12s.. I thought it was sawn off shotguns and pipe bombs....

Then she went ahead and put her lying foot in her lying mouth. She said that is illegal to SELL "clips" of over a 10 round capacity. Did something change that I am not aware of?

When the talking head asked Fienstien about the bombs not being covered by all the gun laws, Fienstien said that her own legislation which has had little support for the last five years woiuld have banned the information about bomb-making from being available to the children.

Sen. Allard from CO did a very good job of fightiung against the talking head who was trying to blame everything on "easy access" to guns. He reiterated that bombs and sawn off shotguns are already illegal....

The talking head also tried to get him to say that the NRA should completely cancell the annual conference next week.

Rob, if she was not so serious about this, she would be funny. Or how about CNN talking about passing new laws that would ban the sale of handguns to minors? I thought that minors could not buy handguns?

And CNN is reporting that Clinton is going to push this into a gun control issue.

My first post,

Whay do you find that any - ANY - politician was a hypocrite? Many if not most of the anti-prsonal freedom Sentors and Representatives have CCW's. Hell, Jane Fonda and Ted Turner have CCW's. Both would have us disarmed in a a nanosecond. Make it a picosecond, if they could.

The more I think of telephone poles, ropes and politicians. Welllllllllll.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
On the bodies of those kids and the teacher Diane grabs a photo op and talks about herself...."I did this, I do that, Me, me, me"

They are special and elite...we aren't. We are the unwashed masses. You think I'm joking? Those people really do believe it

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Actually, (and I;ve covered this before)... Fonda and turner have really changed their tune of private gun ownership and hunting over the last few years. In fact, Turner TRIED to get a recent interviewer to talk about his hunting ranch and his frequent shooting, but they edited out his referrences.
As to politician, ropes and telephone pole, I'll second the motion. About Turners hunting ranch, Have you seen the price he charges to hunt elk? I have an article on it someplace, but if I remember correctly it's in the 20 grand range. Obviously we filthy unwashed aren't good enough to hunt either. But then again I think Ted should take Hanoi Jane back to Nam and stay there with her.
Paul B.
Why not take an ad out in USA Today listing the names of legislators who have CCW permits? You might want to add their stance on gun control, tho that might get fuzzy for some.

As to Turner's ranch, he bought an existing ranch with an outfitter service. It's high-quality trophy only, so the price really isn't out of line. I had a client who hunted there, and when I asked him how most of the guides felt about Hanoi Jane, he said the guides told him, "she doesn't come to this part of the ranch very often." BTW, many of the guides there are Vietnam vets, I'm told.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
Nothing against the idea, but that info is damned hard to come by.
I've been trying to get a list of just the actual numbers of issued CCW in my names, and was told "such information doesn't exist"!!! Right.

The only reason we know Feinstein has one is that she has been a pol for a long time and a reporter found out a few years ago. When she was pushing some gun legislation through, it was brought up and at the time all sorts of folks were making a show about getting rid of handguns, Diane got rid of one, but, it turned out it was a cheapie and not the one her CCW listed ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, where there's the internet, there's a way! Seriously, if some reporter already has that info on Feinstein, why not use it? That's an ad I'd be more than happy to help sponsor, as it would be a little pro-active for a change, not to mention a hoot.

Maybe I'll do a little net searching on this and see what pops up.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken

Its common knowledge that DF has a CCW. But its like the whole gun debate....they choose to ignore it or remain in denial, or as one DF supporter once said: "She is an important person and may need it....her security has to have some time off" :) :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If Feinstein's knowledge of firearms laws and firearms in general extends to her skill with her personal weapon, she'd better pay her bodyguards overtime.

Bruce Stanton
Did the reporter not notice that the good Senator was suggesting Speech control? I have often thought that if the ammendments had to be removed from top to bottom all would be safe. The press will never give an inch on their right to free speech and the right to intrude on everyone's lives. Lets rally them to our side by showing them that these legislatures who want to fix everything by social engineering will be tearing away at the first ammendment also when it does not benefit them. Chris in MO
I'll grant that it is commonly accepeted that she has a CCW, but I have never really seen/heard any proof of it.

I'd love to see the source on that info.....