Senator's letter raises question.


New member
I got a letter yesterday from Sen. Fred Thompson in reply to comments I sent him about gun control shortly after Littlton. Thompson is very pro-gun and most of the letter reflects this. He also discusses current legislation reguarding juliniles and crime. All in all, it's a good letter for our side. However one line caught my attention. I've included the entire paragraph so you can see how it sort of slipped in.

"In the 106th Congress, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has introduced S.254, The Violent and Repeat Juvinile Offender Act. This legislation would toughen penalties foe violent and drug-related crimes and require that violent and repeat offenders be treated as adults. Additionally, several amendments were added to the bill that would require background checks for firearms sold at gunshows, require child saftey locks on new firearms, and prevent importation of certain high-volume ammunition cartridges. S. 254 passed the Senate on May 20 by a vote of 73-25."

SAY WHAT! I've heard rumors of ammo import bans before, but when a U.S. Senator mentions it, that grabs your attention. My guess is that 7.62X39 Russian is the prime target here along with foreign made .223.
Anybody got any details about this?

BTW: Thompson voted against the bill due to the anti-gun amendments.

Unfortunatly, due to a storm fouling up the web last night, I am posting this just before walking out the door to spend a week at Boy Scout summer camp. So you folks see if you can get the facts here and I'll check on this thread when I get back. I hope you can find the truth. See ya next week.
That is a mis-statement. Congress is trying to ban the importation of high capacity ammunition FEEDING devices. Feinstein introduced the amendment in the Sentate and Henry Hyde sponsored it in the house. It will probably be part of the final version when it comes to a vote out of the conference committee. The congresswoman who was speaking on the house floor prior to the vote called magazines cartridiges also. It is so nice knowing the people writing the laws have absoulutely no idea what they are talking about.