Senator Rockefeller and McCain


New member
The 8 April Charleston Gazette has an article in which our own carpetbagger senator endorses Obama. If this isn't bad enough, he also fumbles badly in the article with a shot at McCain.

Here's his quote:
"McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit.

"What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."

This is so wrong on so many levels. Laser-guided missles from 35,000 ft from a Navy fighter pilot in Vietnam? He doesn't know what happens when a missle hits? You have to care about the lives of your enemy - those that will torture you for five years after you're captured?

This senator heads our Intelligence Committee. After a statement like this, I hope he doesn't much longer.
After a comment like that from the WV senator I think your sig should read this Crimp...

West Virginians: Consider moving
~BoringAccountant (Maryland)

Well, I suppose it could be worse - we could have "Machine Gun" Mikulsky, or Paul Sarbanes. :p
Sorta makes me wonder why an establishment fixture like Rockefeller thinks it necessary to go and make kissie-face with McCain. Why apologize now? Is McCain the choice of Rockefeller Republicans.
I'm hoping that the people 35 and under will discard the Rockefellers and any traces of the scumbag socialist loving segments of the R party. A change of the guard is in order, by vote, by exposition, or by whatever means necessary. The slime of the McCain kind must go.
Rockefeller has publicly and privately apologized to McCain. They didn't even have laser guided bombs in Vietnam. Like his political views or not, McCain is a true hero.
Like his political views or not, McCain is a true hero.

Well McCain really isn't a war hero in the by conventional standards, but rather a tough survivor whose handlers are overplaying the war hero card.

In regards his own views about dropping ordnance from afar:

A day or two after the Forrestal incident, McCain told New York Times reporter R. W. Apple, Jr. in Saigon that, "It's a difficult thing to say. But now that I've seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I'm not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam."
Someone should remind the man that

1. By the time LGBS were fielded to the Vietnam theatre, Senator Mccain was already sitting in a cell in North Vietnam.

2. The first Precision guided munitions were guided by onboard systems.We didn't have those nifty ground based Laser designators that our guys have now. Guiding the weapons in required the pilot to keep his crosshairs fixed on the target. Pilots were required to keep thier eyes on the target all the way to impact in order to score a direct hit.

3. Perhaps he would like to make statements to that effect to our WW2 Veterans who served in the Air Corps running Fortresses and Liberators over Germany, and Superforts over Japan.

4. If he does that, he might want to wear a cup first. Because if those salty old Gentlemen don't give him the beating he deserves, I might be tempted to do it for them.
Is McCain the choice of Rockefeller Republicans.

You know he is. The wishy washy, middle of the road, big government, Democrat like, Rockefeller republicans are back with a vengeance. Thinks mainly to the efforts and deeds of our glorious leader W. The country is in big trouble, I'm trying to support McCain since Obama is such an extreme leftist, but it sure is :barf: making.
Like his political views or not, McCain is a true hero.
No, he WAS. That was something he did 30 years ago that has nothing to do with today. Lots of the German army in WWII were heroes in WWI for their side...they were in that war at least fighting for their country and nothing more. Yet WWII rolled around and guess what they became monsters. What you do before is only relevent today if the same person continues to be. With Sidney McCain it does not. No veteran I've ever known with any kind of respectability waves it in everyone's face and says "Hey look at me!" They for darn sure don't take it to be the only thing about them. McCain is a disgraceful attention whore, and he takes whatever good he did and completely wipes it out by furthering the very communism he once fought against. If he meant what he did then he wouldn't do what he does now.
Wow. It's nice to see a politician own up. Here's a letter I got back from Sen. Rockefeller after blasting him for his comments:

Dear ____,

I sincerely appreciate your contacting me directly about my very poor response to a question from the Charleston Gazette regarding Senator John McCain.

I want you to know that I deeply respect Senator McCain's honorable service to our country as a young Navy pilot, and I have long valued his contribution as a veteran. Senator McCain's military record, including his time as a POW in Vietnam, has made him a national hero - an honor he rightfully deserves.

When asked a question about Senator McCain's presidential campaign, I mistakenly repeated and jumbled an analogy that had recently been told to me. In a part of my answer that the reporter left out of his article, I immediately realized that I needed to clarify and said, "that's unkind, because that's fighting for your nation and that's honorable." But I never should have used the analogy in the first place.

I have extended my sincere and heartfelt apology to Senator McCain in a personal and private conversation on the Senate floor, and he was very gracious in response.

I know my comments have offended some of my fellow West Virginians, and I hope that you too will accept my apology and my reassurance that I would never, in any way, question the honorable service of any of our veterans. I have spent my entire career fighting for veterans - and West Virginia veterans know that - and I will never stop honoring their service.

With Warm Regards,

Jay Rockefeller
"To put it simply, Rockefellar is an IDIOT"

John D. Rockefeller IV has never served one day in military uniform. Neither did any of his ancestors back to the original John D. McCain comes from at least two generations of Navy Admirals who distinguished themselves in combat. MCain suffered in a scummy North Vietnamese prison while a draft deferred Rockefeller lived it up at home.

Rockefeller makes me puke.
It will probably be news for most of the posters on this thread (but not general readers) that this particular socialist Senator from West Virginia is a Democrat, as is his dear senior colleague Senator Robert (KKK) Byrd. When Obama is nominated I wonder if Senator Byrd will endorse him or maybe Yellowfin in a third party bid?:D