Senate Vote on Gunshow Sales

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
First, I agree with the opinions of almost all of those posting in the "Legal and Political" Forum, okay?

NOW: Remember that a lot of the Republican "Yes" votes, as reported in the Washington Post, are posturing for the public emotions of the moment, looking toward the next election.

The real fight will be in the House of Representatives. If you want to lose there, also, just do like some writers to the Texas Legislature, and make the Lege mad at us. For Christ's sake, guys, don't write "Dear Sir, You Cur!" letters!

As you go to other Web sites on guns (And I strongly to urge you to do so), post mesages about POLITE letters!

We have some time to either get bills killed, or amended in our favor. We won't be able to do this with "hate mail".

After over forty years of voting, and watching the politics of gun control, I can guarantee you one thing: We are better off with ANY Republican than any other party-label. There aren't enough John Ross' out there, unfortunately. It's "realpolitik" or else. A "moderate" or "conservative" Democrat gets more votes for a highway project or other pork than for a pro-gun vote. A pro-gun Democrat gets a lot of flak from the Minority Whip, et al, and will soon drop away from us.

And, remember the public memory. The Littleton drama will fade, when some other fool blows up something. And some fool will.

In the meantime, let us not legislatively shoot ourselves in the foot by shooting too quick from the lip. (How's that for mixing metaphors?)

Best regards to all, Art
Art, and all. May I offer a suggestion. In, there are three separate "polls" that reflect our way of thinking. (fancy that!)You have to go into the archives section. The dates are April 27,29, and 4/30/99 to 5/2/99.
I haven't gone back to this one, but had a gun poll on that on 5/10/99 and again on 5/12/99 was very favorable to us. The only question that was questionable was "should the U.S. have stricter gun control laws? That is the only one that the percentage totals don't add up to 100% (Time Magazine bias???)
Anyway, when I expressed my displeasure to my senators, I sent copies of these polls for their reading pleasure. I informed them, that if you feel that polls are so important in this day and age, the what are these saying? I also insisted that I get gan answer as a taxpayer and VOTER!
Maybe, if everybody here sends their representatives copies of these polls, maybe it just might sink in as to where their bread is buttered.
I have to go back and check to see if any more new and favorable polls have come out. Naturally I will send them in too.
Paul B