Senate Gun Control Bill

Quick Mod Note: Y'alll, this bill just passed. As of this post, the only thing I've seen is the link posted by Tom Servo, above. This is still in in its unfinished form, with a lot of "by inserting" or "by deleting" language still in it. It's also 80 pages. It's going to take a lot of work to decipher it. Please be patient, both with us (the mods) and other members who are trying to help sort this out.
Well, they rammed it through the House and now it's headed for the President's desk. He'll sign it without even stopping to read it.

The bill is S. 2938.

Several Republicans tried to get amendments to ameliorate the possible abuses of "extreme risk protection orders" and juvenile crime records, but it appears those were voted down.
Wow! So before Americans can read it, it was rammed through….nice due process. I wonder what we are getting.

How does the selling guns for profit requires an FFL differ from before? I think this is a preemptive strike on non-FFL’s selling guns. I think this could easily blow up into something that greatly reduces or eliminates private sales. Am I nuts? How will this be different than current law?
I wonder what we are getting.

From the article Aguila Blanca linked:

  • Tougher background checks for buyers younger than 21
  • $15bn (£12.2bn) in federal funding for mental health programs and school security upgrades
  • Funding to encourage states to implement "red flag" laws to remove firearms from people considered a threat
  • Closing the so-called "boyfriend loophole" by banning all those convicted of domestic abuse from owning a gun - not just those who are married to their victims or live with them.

The first item involves making it easier for law enforcement to unseal and examine juvenile records. I've already heard some serious privacy concerns about that, and there's indication it may not survive court scrutiny.

"Red flag" laws are going to be defined on a state-by-state basis, and there are due process concerns. Republican attempts to amend this part of the bill to that end were rebuffed.

The "boyfriend loophole" language is really weird and vague. Our domestic violence statutes are a patchwork of different definitions that vary by state. In some states, a verbal threat or simple assault can be considered misdemeanor domestic violence, and therefore becomes a lifetime bar to firearms ownership.
In some states, a verbal threat or simple assault can be considered misdemeanor domestic violence, and therefore becomes a lifetime bar to firearms ownership.

I don’t have a problem with this when it pertains to a romantic relationship. Where it’s problematic is two college fraternity brothers who room together end up in a fight that is considered domestic violence in my state.