Senate damns FALN clemency 95-2


Moderator Emeritus
Everything Clinton does goes to sh!t...if he operated according to the rules instead of pulling fast ones...well.


The Senate yesterday voted 95-2 to condemn
President Clinton's clemency to 16 Puerto Rican
militants - as the White House stonewalled
questions on how the decision was made.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the White
House stonewalling was a key reason for voting to
condemn Clinton's clemency grant.

"I have repeatedly requested information on these
cases. I have been given no such information and
therefore have voted to support the resolution,"
Schumer said.

Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.) charged that the
White House, in a last-minute move, "pulled the
plug" on a witness from the FBI who was set to
testify to a Senate hearing on Clinton's
controversial clemency decision.

The stonewalling appears only to have fanned the
flames against Clinton's clemency, which led to the
freeing last week of 11 jailed members of the
FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible
for 130 bombings and six deaths.

In a letter to Attorney General Janet Reno,
Coverdell wrote, "It is completely unacceptable
for the administration to refuse to discuss the
president's decision to offer clemency to 16
convicted terrorists."

Aides to Clinton and Reno said they hadn't
decided whether they'll allow witnesses to testify
at a Senate hearing today and a House hearing
tomorrow on Clinton's get-out-of-jail deal.

The House Government Reform Committee tried
to force a response by subpoenaing the testimony
of White House Counsel Beth Nolan and officials
from the FBI, Justice Department and Bureau of

Sources said the White House is considering
having Clinton claim executive privilege to keep
the witnesses from testifying.

The White House also has refused to give
Congress documents that might provide details on
how Clinton's decision was made and whether it
involved political consideration for Hillary
Clinton's all-but-announced Senate campaign in
New York.

"We've gotten a number of different requests from
Capitol Hill. We're evaluating those," said White
House scandal spokesman Jim Kennedy.

When Clinton first made the clemency offer over a
month ago, there was speculation it was to help
Hillary Clinton attract votes from New York's 1.3
million Puerto Ricans.

But it has only hurt Mrs. Clinton, who came out
against clemency 11 days ago and denies knowing
anything about the original offer.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Someone's gotta say it:

How much longer can we put up with this putz? How many more Stupid Presidential Tricks can he pull before he gets dragged out of office?

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Guys, its all a big diversion. Big Comrade looks to be untouchable. His handlers are very happy with the job he has done on America so far. As long as he follows the power-makers orders ,he will be untouchable. in my opinion, he has done the bidding of his masters perfectly and his indescretions are accepted by the sleeping masses. His marching orders were to complete the destruction of the US military,globalize our manufacturing base(Nafta and WTO),demonize nationalist elements within america, and vastly incrrease the power of the US corporate government. I believe most of our previous Presidents helped this process, but Bill was the faired haired boy who completed the job. The only question in my mind is whether his handlers will let him declare a emergency and stay in power for a long time. I wish i knew this answer. Because all the rest of this stuff on Waco and terrorists freed is just diversions for the main show that may come soon. One indicator that Big Comrade might decide to stay on is that he has distanced himself completely from Al Gore . This leads me to believe that he is thinking of staying in power by some means or will push Hillary for the Democratic nomination for el presidente. Lordy ,what a scenario as the soccer moms vote Hillary as our new MS Presidenta! Is this scenario possible?No more stranger than a person like Bill being elected to 2 terms as President.

How has Bill Clinton "distanced himself from Al Gore" if he has never paid the guy any attention in the first place? What statements has he made to "distance" himself? OTOH, I can provide a half dozen instances where Gore has distanced himself from Clinton recently. Every VP in a Presidential race historically does this.

Don't get me wrong. This fact doesn't make Clinton (or Gore) any more palatable to me than a couple of raw slugs. But it does point up another case of the conclusion supporting the facts and it does weaken our case every time a lurker strolls in to see if we have something useful to add to their body of political knowledge.

It also weakens your message, Ivan, as only those who agreed with your initial premise will agree with your observations. What does this accomplish?

That said...connect the dots as you will. ;)
Carry on.
Rich, I don't think any of us here completely agrees with everything Ivan has to say any more than we completely agree with everything anyone has to say. I guess my point is, Ivan has the right to believe whatever sources he gets his info from, and to pass on what he believes. Personally, I find some of his theories at least as believable as the theory that a Republican administration and Congress would be pro-gun. Let lurkers and everyone else make up their own minds; let the antis continue to lie, they don't need Ivan to continue their disinformation campaign.
Respectfully, Rich, why not let Ivan say what he will without editorializing? Of course, continue to point out flaws in his reasoning, but maybe we should stay away from qualifying his posts. To paraphrase K from MIB, "500 years ago everybody knew the world was flat, and 15 minutes ago you knew that there were no aliens on Earth". Ivan just might be correct, some of the time. I honestly have no proof either way.

On thread: 95+2=97. Where are the missing Senators? Hiding in the bathroom? Who are they? Who are the 2 that would obviously support this administration in any endeavor?

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight

There is no chance that Clinton will remain President past his term...period, whether through concocted reasons, genuine national emergency or a declaration of dictatorship. Got that?! The US has always had our elections, regardless of current climate.
He has plenty of enemies even in his own party and as corrupt as Washington is, they are sick of his trash and would not allow him to circumvent the law that way.

Hillary has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President..that idea is so ludicrous its not worth addressing. The one to fear is likely Bradley...a fresh, untainted socialist.

Ivan, you forget one very important fact...we are Americans, not Euros, not Chinese and not a people used to centuries of subjugation. We have no familiarity with royalty, with a severely restricted life or even a particularly high respect for authority. We only get pushed so far and then we react, and everyone who has ever pushed us has learned that harsh lesson. We are also lazy and don't wish to inconvenience ourselves, so we have a history of reacting to the uphill battle. But we do and we always win and always will. We are a self-directed and fiercely independent people; we can be selfish, petty and immature but we always always pull together when the clock is running out. Americans will never tolerate foreign it UN or the Catholic Church or Abdul from Yemen.
Screw this NWO...there is no grand plot to enslave us from the basement of Prague or where ever else. The NWO is about money...economics....they want folks happy and productive...they want consumers who spend money.

So, let's get back on the topic of this thread: Senate condemnation of the FALN clemency and not the NWO

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
So the Senate "condemns" Clinton -- SO WHAT! They've proven they don't have the gumption to do anything about it anyway, so what does anyone care? Gee, another non-binding resolution with no sanctions, no consequences, no punishment and certainly no chance of impeachment. I'll bet Clinton is losing lots of sleep over that one. The gutless pukes in Congress had the opportunity to remove this criminal once and they suffered from a complete lack of intestinal fortitude. Why even waste taxpayer dollars bringing this up in a vote?

Ivan, for what it's worth, I'm with you. Eyes to see, ears to hear, bro.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
I'd have emailed you, but your email is blocked and you've made some good points.

For the most part I agree with you, though I'm not quite certain how someone can respond to a post without "editorializing". Isn't that what every response is?

I, too, agree and disagree with some of what I read...including Ivan's posts. When I read something that I agree with and the spirit moves me, I respond. When I have a different take on an issue, and the spirit moves me, I respond. When I read something that flies in the face of fact, the spirit moves me to respond. :)

Perhaps I did "over-editorialize" in my response. This was in an effort to explain my objection. However, your point is well taken. Thanks.
Yes, the Senate has droped the ball when it came to Bill Clinton on the BIG ONE. All this is pure fluff. Bill will do what he wants to do and no politicians will stop him. The Senate was created as a check to the federal government with the state legislatiures voting on the Senators. But since it is a pure political outfit , we can see the results of the popular election of these clowns(since 1913). I would guarantee you that if the Senate was beholding to its state constituentsor legislature as under a Republican form, Clinton would have been gone. This meaningless vote is pure you know what. And, I am sorry to disagree, but I believe Clinton will try anything to stay in power beyond his term. I know this is a minority opinion but there are more and more people who think this way. Chris Ruddie has some sources which have quoted Clinton as saying he may be around a long time as President. But, i agree that to stay ,Slick will really have to be "slick" But he has been good at it for this long and , with the help of a compliant Legislative Branch especially the Senate, maybe he can pull off the Big One.
I never in my wildest dreams though I would agree with him, but:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the White
House stonewalling was a key reason for voting to
condemn Clinton's clemency grant,,[/quote]

CCW for Ohio action site.