Sen Smith in NH


New member
Just got a boiler room call , I guess, on behalf of Smith asking for a $50.00 contribution to his run for the Presidency.
Recorded message from him included support of firearms {rifles and shotguns} no mention of pistols or MA DUCES.

Anyone know anthing else about him? I do kinda live in a hole down here.
Hank 0/222l-061099-idx.html

This is our Man. We can do this. It will take a lot of work on all our parts. If we all spread the news to all we know and work hard, we can. With more than a year til elections, It can be done if we get to work.

It is time we get a real American citizen in office. It worked in my home state Minnesota and it can work in DC. Don't let the numbers fool you. The polls up til election time rated Skip first, Coleman second, and Jesse Ventura dead last. The results after the people had spoken: Jesse Ventura first, Coleman second, and Skip bringing up the rear.

Let's do this!!!!

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited June 17, 1999).]
From the surface he appears to be my ideal. Looking at his voting record follows very close to my beliefs. Have e-mailed him asking if he has a web page set up yet, other than his senate page. Will post the address when I get it.

I got the same call. After checking up on him a little and finding he has consistantly supported the 2nd Amendment, I sent the $50. We have to band together at some point...
I also sent the $50 to the Smith campain. Since I don't send any to the D*%!@crat side, I figure that our side is ahead, I hope!

How does he rate against Bush in the polls? Could Bush get him on as VP if Bush is stronger?

I don't think that we want Ms. Dole there. She is already swinging to the left.
Senator Smith is a great 2nd Amendment supporter, and I don't think you'll find another candidate as pro-gun as he is. In the past I've always wanted to vote for my REAL favorite candidate, but always thought "well, he doesn't have a chance to win, so I would just be throwing my vote away." No more, from now on I'm voting for the one I think best represents my beliefs and views, and let the chips fall where they may.

If we all did what I have done in the past, we're just letting the party bosses pick our presidents. They're trying to shove GW Bush down our throats, but if we don't buy it, they can't do it.

Right now Smith is about 2% in the polls, but it's a long time until the convention. If every gun owner (65-75 million) were to get behind Smith he would win in a landslide. Of course that's not very likely to happen, we can only get about 3.5 million gun owners to even join a gun organization like GOA, NRA, JPFO, etc. But at least voting is still free, so maybe some of the tightwads who won't blow $25 or $35 on a membership will still vote for Smith. It's worth a try.
Sen. Smith is this nations strongest supporter of the 2nd Amendment in Washington. The people of New Hampshire are so lucky to have him as one of their two Senators. I to will will send him $50.00 right away. Living in Kalifornia, I can only dream that we could have someone like him as Senator....Hell will freeze over and we'll be hit by a comet before that will happen.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Ed, it's a long way to the convention, but not nearly so long a way to the primaries, which are all being deliberately concentrated up front, so that there'll be no time for a dark horse candidate like Smith to make a good showing in N.H., gradually gain support, and ultimately win. The deck has been stacked so that only candidates with huge amounts of money, and support from the party establishment, stand any chance at all. If Smith makes it to Michigan in the primaries, I'll vote for him there. But don't harbor any illusions that he's got a real shot at the nomination!
Well, I got a letter in the mail from
Sen. Smith today thanking me for hearing him out during the boiler room call. Chance to win or not I'll send him 50 bucks tomorrow.
Heck, I'd pay 50 bucks to watch DC beat the
grin off of Schumer!
Mortgage! I would mortgage my home and borrow from my kids!!

And if you can get DC close enough to Hillary to do the same thing, I'll rob, cheat, steal, and borrow money from Art Eatman to watch DC "unplug" Hillary's major body parts!
But don't harbor any illusions that he's got a real shot at the nomination!

No, I don't have any illusions about his prospects, just wishful thinking I guess. The party big-wigs and the media have already annointed G DubU, and nothing but an incrediblely huge gaffe could derail him now.

I'm gonna vote for Smith though if he's still on the card when we vote down here. Like I said before, I'm a little tired of just going along with whatever they see fit to offer us.
From: Ivan88836-23-99 521PM EDt Guys, I like Senator Smith and I rarely say anything nice about the Politicos in our Congress, eespecially the very corrupt Senate. Here is what he said on a speech on June 9th.THis man is a partriot. 1. Abolish Dept, of Education and RESTORE local control 2. Litmus test for Supreme Court:Pro life , Pro Constitution 3. Rid our government of unconstitutional programs 4. GET THE GOVERNMENT OFF THE BACKS OF INNOCENT, LAW ABIDING GUN OWNERS 5.Fullest possible accounting of our POWS and MIAS 6.NOt sign any global agreements that sacrifices U.S. sovereignty 6. No military action unless it is in the national security interests of US. &. Get US out of UN. And here is the best thingof all . Sen. Smith told Spotlight Newspaper that he is considering running for a conservative party if Republicans keep moving to a liberal position(hear that Bush, Dole(ms) Alexander, Forbes ,etc.) My only fear is that Globalist Republicrats will do anything to derail this very patriotic man. We unfortunately have a history of destroying Populist leaderswhom had the support of working peoples(Huey Long, Wallace, Teddy Roosevelt and his Bull Moose Party) God be with Senator Smith in his Crusade against Plutocratic Republicans within his Party. All patriots must rally around this man. Ivan