Sen. Obama gets another free pass


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Obama Proposes Expanding Aid to Faith-Based Programs

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he would spend at least $500 million a year to promote community aid programs run by faith-based groups.;_ylt=AvKczvJt3e0uoMZAC6TlR5Os0NUE

When Pres. Bush launched his "faith-based" initiative at the beginning of his first term the liberals went ape. The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State both stated that the initiative represented an unconstitutional merging of church and state.

But when Obama makes his pitch, nothing but silence. I guess that this "separation of church and state" thing isn't all that big a deal when a Marxist supports those programs.
His only"faith" is to socialism, and leftists tap the sides of thier noses, keeping quiet and smiling knowingly, as this is a ploy, and nothing but a ploy, to woo the Right.

It all amounts to "Bait & Switch" plain and simple.

BHO went left to get nominated by his own party and now moves center to win the general election. Frankly, I think a majority of the voters will fall for it too. After the election with a demo congress and liberal voting policy making supremes he will flip so fast it will take a cat's breath away.

Leftist marxist liberals will demand it and BHO will stand and deliver.
