Semiautos from socialist/communist countries?


New member
Hello all,

A close friend is interested in collecting firearms from current/former socialist countries but has limited knowledge of the various makes and I have found it is rather difficult to find info as well. I do know of two, a Makarov and another that is called a Tokarev (sp?) or fires a Tokarev round. Admittedly, my knowledge of these obsucre pistols/calibers is VERY shallow.

Although these will be primarily "trophy" guns, I am trying to convince friend that she will want to shoot these and thus more conventional calibers like 9mm Para might be preferable.

Just wondering what possibilities are out there for acquiring these guns, new or used, for roughly $600 or less. Thanks all for the help (I'm even confused as to which countries are Socialist - does the Czech Republic count?).
Any first hand experience with the firearms will also be appreciated... I have seen the archived posts on the Makarovs and am thinking this would be a good place to start.
Makarovs are neat guns, and ammo is relatively cheap. Tokarovs are availible in 9mm as well. CZ used to be a communist country, and you should take a look at the CZ line. There are some great deals on older CZ surplus guns like the CZ 52. I recommend getting a copy of the Shotgun News and just browsing.
Czechoslovokia became a communist state
after World War II.

After the fall of communism it split into
two countries, the Czech Republic and Slovokia.

Slovokia is a mess, but the Czech Republic
is doing well.