FORUM RULES - All must read before posting in this forum
Any failure to follow all rules as stated here will result in loss of Gun Show privileges. There will be no formal warnings by PM or email - your deleted thread should be warning enough that you need to re-read the rules and follow them.
1. You must be a member in good standing for at least 30 days and have 25 MEANINGFUL posts in the other discussion forums. In other words, "+1", emoticons etc. without a discernable statement involved do not apply. Postings in the Gun Show Forum, with the exception of the Feedback subforum, do not add to post count.
2. Providing a location in the title of the thread is now MANDATORY. Enforcement will be effective May 1, 2009. If you need to edit the thread title after submitting your post, press the Go Advanced button once you're on the Edit screen.
A. Obvious legal reasons for firearms, magazines, etc.
B. Ease of searching for a particular item. The Gun Show is a free service for our members. We want to make it at least fairly easy to use for them. They know they can search for any item local to them by searching the titles. Since it is a requirement and not a suggestion, we know they will be able to do the search and not miss many items.
C. By requiring the location in the title, the moderating staff doesn't have to open every single thread to check for a location. We can obviously see whether the rule is being followed by glancing down the forum thread listing.
D. Listing your state of residence in the subject/title line, along with the item you are selling, makes it easier for prospective buyers to zero-in on your listing to take advantage of this savings. The same idea applies if you wish to buy an item in-state. A two-letter abbreviation is recommended.
For example:
AR Mags for sale in AK
(FL) For Sale: Glock 26
WTB: M1 in MI
This should not be construed to mean that these transactions must be carried out "in-state." It is just a recommendation to help our members locate the best possible deal they can get. As always, all FFL regulations apply to all transactions initiated on The Firing Line.
Your local ATF office can assist you with any questions you may have:
3. Sellers/Traders must post "Sold" or other suitable term in your thread when the item is no longer available and close your thread promptly thereafter. Threads may be left open if funds are pending.
In other words, after you have sold your item(s), lock the thread so that no further posting can take place. This will tell any future lookers that the item is no longer available or being sought.
To close your thread: while viewing the thread, open the "Thread Tools" menu and select "Close thread" (it should already be checked off for you), then press the "Perform action" button.
Note that you can also re-open your own threads, however, a caution is in order for that function. If you need to re-open a thread you closed because a deal fell through or you need to add a little additional info, that's fine, but if you re-open a thread that a moderator has closed for any reason, you should PM the moderator first before opening it. To do so without express permission could be cause for an Instaban (TM registered). Now, normally these forums are conflict free and moderator-locked threads are very rare, but they are not non-existent so the caution should be heeded.
4. Negative comments about the For Sale items, the price posted, or the poster's hygiene should be given via the Private Messaging feature, or via email. The bottom line is this: If you think the person is asking an insane amount, or is selling something you wouldn't take if given to you, don't buy it, and don't post anything in the thread. Do not disparage or add any demeaning comments in any Buy/Sell/Trade thread. We are getting tired of having to delete posts where members argue about the high price of the item for sale, or otherwise "crap" in the thread. That type of action is strictly against our rules.
From this point on, any member who does that will receive a 7 day ban for the first offense. That will happen whether you have read this thread or not, and that will happen whether you are joking or not.
Note to Sellers/Traders: If your ad has garnered unwanted attention (see above) contact a staff member, do not try to deal with it yourself, that rarely works out to anyone's satisfaction.
5. It is required that firearms and related items are to be involved in the buying, trading or selling initiated on this forum. If a member offers a non-firearm tangible item or a service as barter in trade for a specific firearm, that is acceptable on TFL. However, offering a non-firearm item for cash or for a tell-me-what-you've-got type of sale is not acceptable. NO AUCTIONS ALLOWED
6. Please do not reply to old threads. There is no point in cluttering up the forum by bumping a 6 month old thread. If you see an old ad with something that interests you attempt to contact the member who placed the ad via PM or email FIRST.
7. And last, but certainly not least, TFL's general rules apply here as well. In other words, read and comply with the said terms accordingly.