Things have changed since I sold guns back in the 80's here in Indiana. I've been out of the loop for the last 20 years for the most part, but now that I am getting back into gunning, I need to catch up. Back when I was selling guns here in Indiana, there was a required 7 day waiting period after registration before you could take your hand gun home. Now that is very different. I am going to sell my S&W 4013TSW .40 cal. I was talking to one of the gentleman at our local gun shop yesterday and he was telling me that in Indiana, if I sell my gun, there is no registration required when I sell it. He suggested having a sales receipt showing what I am selling including serial number for both me and the buyer, but that was all I needed to be concerned about. Basically saying I can simply take the guys money and let him walk with the gun. I am sure he knows what he is talking about, but that does not make sense to me, since the gun is currently registered in my name with the state. It seems there should be a transfer of ownership to legally change the registration to the new owner. What's your thoughts?