Selling as an individual


New member
Its been a while since I have sold or bought a gun. As an individual with no license, how doe you sell a pistol or a rifle at a gun show, etc? (I live in VA). Thanks...
how doe you sell a pistol or a rifle at a gun show

Well, first you have to get the gun there, pay the entrance fee, and then walk around or sit in an obvious location with it, entertaining offers and talking with prospective buyers :p

In MI, nothing for rifles. He has the money and is not ineligible from owning a gun, it becomes his. For a pisitol, gotta hve a purchase permit and money, fill it out, then it becomes his.

Can't help with VA, but thats the way it is around here.
By all means, check on your state laws. There's no restrictions here in Wisconsin, but many other states do have them.
Check your local laws, Brian. Start at and research your state laws first. Here in Ohio, as in Michigan, if a man is not prohibited by law from owning a firearm, you can sell it to him if he is a resident of the same state. Ask to see his driver's license. Be sure to find out about legal restrictions on firearm posession in your state. You usually just have to ask the buyer a few questions about criminal history and drug use.

At the gun show, some people will tape signs to their backs and chest with the info on the gun they are selling.

Good luck! :)

if he is a resident of the same state

Good point. I forgot about that one.

Another way to advertise is to stick a dowel down your barrel with a sign on top, saying what it is and how much you want.