Sell P7M8 for 1911...(long)


New member
Well here is the long and the short of it all. I have a P7M8 factory refurb gun that I have had for about a year. I have recently been considering selling it and a S&W revolver and using the proceeds from the S&W to buy a Glock 26 and the money from the H&K to get the best 1911 I can get in trade. Looking for the best of both worlds! The S&W revolver I don't like so I have no trouble parting with it. I don't dislike the P7, but I find it hard to justify having this much money invested in a 9 shot 9mm when I could eaisly have a Glock 26, which holds more rounds (especially with the G17 and 19 high caps I have), the finish is much more durable, and I think the smaller size of the Glock will make it easier to conceal.

As for 1911 guns I just love the way they feel. It would be my primary CCW (as soon as my permit arrives) and general do it all gun. Am I crazy? What 1911 should I try to get in trade? Help!!!
From a recent post of mine:

I sold my P7 very recently to make ends meet, and I quite literally bawled my eyes out for thirty minutes on the porch over it (I'd wanted one since high school).
Unless starvation or eviction is imminent, don't sell the P7. Learn from my torment... :(
I think I may have the opposite problem of you Tamara. I have wanted a 1911 for as long as I can remember, and to get it the P7 has to go. The P7 and I just haven't got on the same wave length yet if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong it is a great gun, but for the money I have invested good get something else. Heck I don't know...
Hello B-man
Don't sell your P7 for a 1911.
HK tells me they can't deliver P7's for at least
6 months.
You have in your possesion a pistole that will rise
in value over the years.
I shoot approx 100 x's per year.
Mrs. Dakodakid shoots approx 4 x's per year.

1. Mrs. D-- shoots the MK23 the best, and it's her

2. She loves the "feel" of the 1911" but don't shoot
it all that well.(she still loves shooting the Colt 1991A1)

3. She don't like the P7 because she forgets to "squeeze"
before the shoots and thinks it kicks a bit too much in her hand, but she shoots the P7 85%-95% on all targets.

4. She want's a 1911 racegun even though she shoots the P7 better than any race-gun she has shot..(1911 is approx 70% accuracy)

5. As much as my better 1/2 doesn't like the P7 she would never let me sell it..

6. I have learned alot from my wife who has no interest in shooting other than using a gun to protect her family if that sad day ever call upon her..

Don't sell your P7...
Biathalon Man,

How much experience do you have with 1911's? Do you know this design or do you just want one of these guns? If the latter, hang onto the P7 until you're sure in the real sense that a 1911 meets your needs. A great many people, including me, find it difficult to go back to any other pistol system once they've experienced the P7.
The P7's 8+1 capacity is most likely all that you will aver need.
I would wait and maybe sell the revolver later and combine that with a few months savings and you should be able to fund a 1911 style pistol.
Keep the P7 you will regret selling it. Plus you will probably not get out of it the same amount that you have in it, at least not yet. If you sell it and want one again eventually, I doubt you will be able to easily find one for a reasonable price.
I actually learned how to shoot on a Browning High Power so I am familiar with the 1911 system. Actually I think this is why I am having trouble with the P7, just because it is so radically different.
I had two P7M8's until recently

when I gave one of them to a very good friend for her birthday. Now I'm buying another one and saving up for that custom 1911 that I want. I love my Glock and my Sig and my BHP, but there's something about the P7's that just grabs me. It could have something to do with how accrately I shoot them D) The P7 is not as sturdy as the Glock is, but I carry it in civilized society. If I was going to crawl through the woods I'd choose the Glock.

In any case I'll stop rambling and suggest that you save your pennies and not sell the P7.
Absolutely ditto... keep the P7

Glock 26 (for me G27) as backup for the wilderness, swamp, muck, hiking, camping...

P7 (when law permits)for the store, movies, shopping...

Man, I'm just wanting a P7M8 very badly.