Self made suppressor question..


New member
Ok so me and my cousin were just shooting the breeze and came into suppressors.. And how we would make one and what rifles would be best used for...

Then we got onto how they are made and different designed and make shift ones...

Pretty much I know making one you need all paperwork tax stamp and have it approved yatta yatta.. But he had something I couldn't fully argue with not actually knowing my self...

He said that the water bottle suppressors and oil can suppressors are exempt because technically they aren't a suppresser this being like shooting through a pillow sweater ect as long as its not hard parts and serves a different function and not a detected suppresser its a grey area from the law... Reason why the bow to and youtube videos showing are legal..

I'm really curious I doubt it but what would be the actual ruling on that... Because technically a cloth/water bottle or oil filter would be hard to prove and find to say THAT'S A SUPPRESSER!!!

But again I doubt its that easy... So what say you guys.. I'm really curious what would crush that theory..
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The term Silencer is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(24):

The term “Firearm Silencer” or “Firearm Muffler” means any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for the use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.

Notice the "any".

ANY device.

Notice the phrase "designed or redesigned".

Your friend is completely, inarguably wrong.
Makes sense yea I wasn't 100% of the law so I didn't want to speak out of guessing..

I figured it couldn't be that easy tho.
As I understand it, the threaded adapter from gun barrel to soda bottle or oil filter is the licensed " silencer."

Considering the Feds are not agreeable to you even keeping spare baffles for a regular suppressor, I guess you better throw out those empty bottles right away and not buy an oil filter until you've got the drain plug out.
The bottle wouldn't be a suppressor. But if you have a bottle and tape that you wrapped around a gun barrel and put the bottle on it, then the bottle is a suppressor. There are a lot of things that could be used as a suppressor, but the intent to use them that way is what counts.

Utterly stupid law that I wish the NRA would work on more. Just from a health perspective they should be selling them in hardware stores for cheap. If you use one in a crime they should nail your butt to the wall. That goes for most things though. Punish the criminals not everyone.
Utterly stupid law that I wish the NRA would work on more. Just from a health perspective they should be selling them in hardware stores for cheap. If you use one in a crime they should nail your butt to the wall. That goes for most things though. Punish the criminals not everyone.

Silly. Don't you know that if silencers were legal instead of ordinary folks being able to protect their hearing at ranges better it would spawn a great swarm of assassinations by all the concealed carriers.

I know the prediction was that there would be gun battles in the streets from all the armed people running around, and that hasn't happen, but that's because they didn't have silencers. If they took silencers off the NFA *THEN* the gun battles would start.

Don't you see?
I bet a dollar against a doughnut that possession of a rifle and a roll of electrical tape along with a bottle with a hole in the bottom would result in bad juju for the one in possession.... i don't mean scattered thru out the home... i mean in close proximity in the house or vehicle...

I know for a fact that some folks thought if it wasn't "purchased" than a "tax" wouldn't be required....

We've run across this question with so-called "solvent traps." Some people claim that the adapter is the only registered part, and that the oil filters are not. Those folks are wrong.

The text Brian quoted is correct and binding. Pretty much the only part of a suppressor that does not require registration is the wipe used by some older units.
jason_iowa said:
Utterly stupid law that I wish the NRA would work on more. Just from a health perspective they should be selling them in hardware stores for cheap. If you use one in a crime they should nail your butt to the wall. That goes for most things though. Punish the criminals not everyone.

I concur fully, but it is the law and hobbiests tinker with the law at their peril. Any good garage mechanic can make a suppressor fairly easily, but simply assembling the parts is a violation of the law.

Better to work toward changing the law.
Hey, at least you can still legally purchase new suppressors - form a trust, pay $200 and you can get whatever you want - not bad. Production of new machine guns for normal folks was outlawed back in '86. Work on overturning that stupid law first, please.
At one time in Paris France you could not keep a firearm in the city unless it had a silencer with it.
They used to sell silenced .22 rifles, the suppressor tube a built on fixture, and I've seen photos of a finely engraved and inlaid Colt Woodsman presentation model with matching silencer made for an American businessman in Paris.

In England horse breeders can buy suppressed shotguns for getting rid of vermin without spooking the horses.
They make a suppressed .410 lever action for sale in England based on the Marlin .444 or .45-70 rifle.

The paperwork that came with my Walther G22 shows the supressor you can buy over the counter, but not in the USA.

They are polite.