Self-Defense Stories Get Some Coverage in the Media


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Don't know how many of you listen to NPR radio... but they had a fascinating 30 minute segment this afternoon about the defensive uses of firearms. The host invites any of his listeners who have had to pull a gun in self-defense to call in and tell their story. If you have the time to listen to it, it's 30 minutes well spent (you can listen to it, or read the text below it). Some of the stories have some evidently poor tactics, but it's about real people who in that moment really needed their guns. (and it's getting coverage in the mainstream media!)
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Mike Huckabee has also been recently featuring stories of civilians whose lives have been saved by owning firearms. Always good when this side of the story is told.
I admit that I have become a bit discouraged trying to discuss guns with the dedicated anti-gunner. I have been called a lunatic, a murderer, a right-wing crazy, a Fascist, a Nazi, a baby killer. I have been told I not only have no right to own a gun, I have no right to an opinion, no right to speak, no right to live if I don't conform to the politically correct view and kneel at the feet of the current political leadership.

I once tried to become "friendly" with a beautiful young woman from the National Council to Ban Handguns.* She told me that those who opposed a gun ban "should be shot down in the streets until the gutters run with your blood." And those are the kind of people who claim they want "reasonable" laws and "sensible" solutions. And who claim they respect our Second Amendment rights. Sure.

*OK, I was trying to make out. I gave up the idea.

I was really surprised to see NPR do a story on this.

The nation could do well to have more sensible self defense discussion.

There are too many people in high offices and the the media that live in a fantasy world where they think the need for self defense by the individual never exists.

Good on NPR for taking this discussion to their listeners.
It's been my experience that NPR has a definite political slant, but watches the political winds very carefully and responds to protect their funding.
In 2010, when it was clear that the country was feeling very conservative, right before the 2010 elections they started talking about "balancing" their coverage.
If they are seeing the same signs about guns, this might be a very good sign.
Very interesting bit of radio.

The one thing that stuck out were the multiple encounters two of the callers claimed to have had.

Most of us will never have to break leather (or kydex) in our lives. But to have more than one encounter one has to wonder how many of the three S's are being broken?