Self defense shootings


New member
I figured Id start a thread on this because I am interested and do not wish to offend. Anyone who has been in a Self Defense situation where you had to use your weapon, or any LEO's/Military who have been in shooting situations I would like to hear about it(If your willing to share your experience.)
--Any input would be great since I just want to compare them together to get an idea of what would really happen if I had to protect myself or family. I have been shooting since 9yrs old and know that I know what to do in theory and am very proficient "In theory". I just want to hear from some people who had to unfortunatley go beyond the theory. This way I may better prepare myself if/when something happend. Thanks for the information and hopefully I'll never have to put it to use. But if I do I want to give myself the best possible probability of survival. (Defensive Pistol is a S&W 1911 fullsize 45ACP)
Your best chance for survival is situational awareness. All the time... everywhere you go. Listen to your inner voice. If somethng seems to be wrong... it probably is. Also you should probably have a gun.
Totally agree with you there, that is something I am on top of without thinking. Everyone must be totally aware of their surroundings at all times. I will trust my inner voice your dead on about that too, thanks for the advice. All the input I can get is great.
Yea thanks man, I kinda just realized my thread is in the totally wrong place and is overlapping things already discussed. I took a look over there and there is some very useful information, thank you.
Tyler, there's some really great reading back in the T&T archives too... back to 1998. Some prominent gentlemen in the world of firearms and self defense gun handling have posted in those threads.

I would also suggest you read books by Brian Enos, Andy Stafford, Patrick McNamara, etc.
I'll add something that isn't often covered on this topic.

Practice, learn your fundamentals. Build confidence in you abilities.

The more confidence in his own ability, the less likely a person will have to use a pistol in SD situations.

This really works in LE, but it also civilians as well. Bandits, like animals can smell fear, confidence eliminates ( or lessons) fear. Bandits prey on the week. Self Confidence gives the impression of strength.

If one emits confidence, there is less likely the chance he will be challenged.

As mentioned above, much has been written about SD shootings, actions and re-actions, but I don't recall seeing this part of the subject covered.
Good point all input appreciated. Yea there are threads already like this I kind of posted in the wrong area. I need to get more practice in but live in a state where it can be a hassle to get to the indoor range. which prevents me from going as often. I do (empty) holster drills and reloading weak hand and such, but need an area where I can do it live fire, and practice defensive tactics not just putting holes in paper.
Tyler, Seek out some action pistol matches. They will get you some multiple target opportunities, some multiple shot opps, and some shooting under a bit of stress.

For the home I use a laser pointer. It projects a quick beam of laser light at the drop of your hammer/striker. You can practice draw and fire. You can practice moving and fire. Only instead of a hole you see your hit because of the laser. Very good for developing skills in the home. It works best in firearms with second strike capabilities or revolvers.
Thanks that seems like great advice,especially with the laser. Its a good idea so you get to see the "hit" by just clicking it on.(Crimson Trace im guessing, theyare awsome) I'll look into your input that you it is much appreciated. I got to used somebody's 9mm Hi-Power with one and it shot like a dream. Those followups come really quick with a laser too :). I been thinking about action pistol matches but have never gone. That is something I definitley need to do. Thanks again, all input appreciated.