Self Defense Loadings- Alternate light and heavy loads

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New member
Many great loads for the 357 Magnum. The main issue, for me personally, is that its difficult to click off 2 accurate shots in succesion. I nail the first shot, but then the blast and kick spoils the next shot sometimes not even making it on the paper. So what I do is alternate 38 Special and 357 Magnum in the 8 shot cylinder. The first round out is 38 Special and then the next up at bat is 357 Magnum.

Its an interesting concept that works for me. Lately I was thinking it could be replicated in the .40 cal semis. Use a lighter .40 cal load and then follow up with the heavy.

Just a safety note for those not in the know. Make sure your particular firearm can handle the rounds you insert. Not all .38 Special revolvers are compatible with .357 loads. I dont want someone reading this who isnt savvy to this fact doing some experimentation and then having the pistol blow up.
Personally, if I could not handle the recoil of the .357 then I would not carry it. The concept sounds good until you realize that your may not be able to double tap your first two shots and in the heat of battle you get confused and after firing your light .38 spl, you trying doubling with your reversed loading and send a flyer well off target.

If you want/need the .357 for the power it adds over .38 spl, great, then why load .38 spl when you may only get one shot? Would you not rather that 1 shot be the more powerful .357?
Threr is a simple and practical solution to youir problem with the recoil of the .357.
Practice. Shoot the .357s until you are used to the recoil, and are comfortable with it. I, for one, carry a .38, but that is not because of recoil sensitivity. It's what I have, and I am fully comfortable with it. If you want to carry the .357, shoot the darn thing until you are confidant that you have mastered the recoil. End of problem.
We have discussed the alternating loads for shotguns, semis and I think phasers by now.

Every experienced person says it is a bad idea. The good idea has been posted. Shoot what you can handle and if you can't - don't shoot it.

To avoid a 100 repetitions of that already stated good idea and 100 reps of crackpot ideas, I'm calling this one.

A mod for this forum can overrule me but I suggest that the OP research the previous threads.
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