Selecting a soft rifle case for the Zastava N PAP AK variant...


New member
Not planning on going hunting or anything demanding.

Simply want a soft case that will keep me from scaring the public as I walk
between my car and the range.

The rifle's length is 36.25".

I have seen Plano cases come up in my search and they are sold at WalMart.

Could you recommend a specific Plano model or even a different
manufacturer the would meet my modest needs?

Plano is usually hard case?

I wouldn't worry about scaring people from the car to the range. Everybody is going to know you have a gun. The benefit there is at some to most ranges a cased gun is easier to bring in and out than an uncased one. The real hiding benefit is from your house to the car. Your neighbors are more likely to chatter nervously than the range master.

Hunting isn't any more demanding on a case than anything else, so hunting or range case, same difference. Depending on what you're looking for, I suggest either Gun Mate or VooDoo Tactical for soft cases. If you want a hard case, skip Plano, and go for either Pelican/Storm/Hardigg (they're all the same company under different names as far as us end consumers are concerned) or a company called SKB, I personally lean towards the Pelican/Storm line, as I think they're a little better for airplanes.
I will take a look at some of the cases you recommended.

I know that a least one indoor range (not in the best area) requires
that rifles be brought into the store in cases.

As one of older, cooler workers told me, "we want to have at least a
chance if someone comes in with bad intent".
They also didn't want to freak out others in their industrial park.
What can I say, this isn't Alaska.
It's highly unusual (make that unheard of) for someone to open carry a long gun.

Can't say I blame him.
One time someone snatched a gun and ran out.
One employee was hot on his heels shooting at him.
I am not clear if my State would approve of shooting at someone in retreat
even if he, I imagine, committed a felony.

No problem getting the rifle back into the house since I have an attached garage.